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Nokia N97 reviewed/debated via carrier pigeon



nokian97_1124887c1Engadget has posted the most awesome gadget review ever written in the history of ever. Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but I found it very engaging as it pits one reviewer against another in a duel to the death… via letters exchanged by carrier pigeons. I suspect that’s not entirely true (and I made up the part about dueling to the death), but I love the presentation.

Fair warning: you might want to clear some time off your schedule before tackling it. I had to break out my advanced reading skills to chug it down in 10-15 minutes. YMMV.

Oh, and it’s about the Nokia N97. Lot of back and forth about the pros and cons of this advanced device. I found much on both sides that match up with my previous analysis.

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