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100 Things You Can Do With Evernote



I don’t think there’s anything Andrew Maxwell doesn’t use Evernote for. He posted a list of 100 things you could use the service for. I’m a big fan of Evernote and have it installed on every device I own.

I’ve used Evernote for a lot of the things on his list, including keeping track of software serial numbers and keeping track of hardware. The list is long and a lot of tips are based on Andrew’s experiences as a web designer. There are some real gems in the list that don’t have anything to do with tech. a couple of my favorites:

38. Keep a note of the nice things people say about you and who said it, this comes in handy when your feeling depressed.

58. Make note of things that make you relaxed and use them to consistently enjoy your life.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Andrew Maxwell

    11/05/2009 at 2:15 pm

    Thank you for the kind words on this article. I appreciate it.

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