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Students: Use Evernote Peek to Cram and Pass Your Next Test



While a lot of students use their iPad to take notes in class, there’s not always a good way to go over them. With finals rapidly approaching the need for a study aid is in high demand for many students. Evernote Peek supplies a decent solution to this problem by connecting Evernote, which allows you to make, collect, and tag notes, to the Evernote Peek application. The Peek application uses either an iPad smart cover or the a virtual cover built-in to the software to hide the answers to the users study questions.

Below are the instructions on how to add content to the application, and how to use it to get ready for your next big test.

How it works.

The application works by reading content that is stored in the user’s Evernote account. So the first step is to download Evernote and make an account if one does not already have Evernote. Once the user opens the application a new notebook needs to be created to put the review notes into.

Tap the Elephant in the top left.

Tap Evernote

Select Notebooks

Tap Notebooks

Tap add NotebookAdd notbookName the notebook the subject to review and Select Save.

Name notebook

Select the created Notebook.

Tap new Notebooks

Now that the notebook has been created all it takes is some formatting to create the flash cards for finals review.

How to format the flash cards.

While still in Evernote the flash cards are created within the notebook for that subject. Each question has to be its own individual note for it to display properly in Evernote Peek.

Tap new Note

Create study notes

To properly format the notes, have the subject be the hint of the question and have the answer in the main body of the message. See the example below.

Flash Card Formatting

Once all of the notes are entered into the Notebook open Evernote Peek.

Enter your Evernote Login Information

Login Info

Select My Notebooks

Add Notebooks

 Choose the Notebook created with the review material and then Select Done.

Choose flashcards

Choose your Notebook to start reviewing.

Choose the review

If the user has a real smart cover, they should use that to cover up the answers to the questions. Otherwise a software smart cover can be turned on by tapping settings in the top right.

When a notebook is selected it will look like the example below:

Self Test

WIth the smart cover closed the app while in action looks like this.

Example slide

While it takes some time to setup using Evernote Peek, as a study tool is a very good way to review notes and to ace those finals.

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