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“Dead Zone” for Ultra Mobile PC’s? ENOUGH!



Okay, so we know lots of information on the new Ultra-Mobile PC. We have seen a gazillion videos and reviews of the reference models floating around on different blogs. We now have a confusing number of Ultra-Mobile PC web sites and blogs going, and we have people alternately drooling over and laughing over the specs on these little gadgets.


I’m tired of the hype, tired of the promises and vague delivery promises. I stand ready, credit card in hand, to lay down my money and go to work on one of these things. I can’t wait to take it out with me on the day to day job and have to give the obligatory demos all day. But mostly I am waiting to find out whether this thing is going to work for me, and what side of the yea / nay fence I wil fall on. I want to debate the best set of specs with all you guys out there that just love to argue. I want to let my daughter watch a movie on our long car trips without breaking out the full Tablet or DVD player. I want…….., a bunch of things, but they all require a unit in hand.

Where are they? Someone tell me a DEFINITE date when I can get my hands on one. I am in the queue of “Influencers” who will eventually get to play with the TabletKiosk EO reference model floating around (as soon as James Kendrick gives it up!), but I want PRODUCTION. I keep hearing end of April, sometime in May, etc. I refuse to believe that there is not better info out there.

Announcing things this far in advance is most annoying. I have actually known of the existence of this thing since last fall, and I kept my mouth shut (gotta love them NDA’s). Now will someone please reward me by at least giving me a real date?



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