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A Virginia Tech student posts a Tablet PC review



If you remember from all the news stories several months ago, the School of Engineering at Virginia Tech recently decided that all students at the School of Enginnering had to have Tablet PCs. Fortunately for Jeffrey Hasnain, a new engineering student, and the rest of the student class, VT signed some partnership agreements with Toshiba, Fujitsu, Gateway, and HP in order to help pass along the best cost possible to the students.

Well, Jeffrey Hasnain ordered a Gateway M-285 and has posted his full review of it at Jeffrey is pretty impressed with the Gateway Tablet PC; and I should say he did an awesome job on the review. Check it out.

His concluding thoughts:

After spending some time on this laptop, and setting things up just the way I like them, I think overall, it’s a great buy. The performance is top notch, and the quality is also surprisingly nice. There are few things wrong with the laptop, but for some those few things may be what ultimately may decide on whether or not they want to buy it. Size is one of the major concerns for some, and that is definitely something that will need to be determined when choosing this laptop. This is a 14″ screen, and thus adds quite a bit of weight to whatever you may be carrying this in. With the additional 12-Cell battery, it adds even more weight, and protrudes out the bottom, which may be something that some users may not want. However, this for me is a small sacrifice as in return I am getting amazing battery life. Overall, I would definitely recommend this laptop to anyone who is looking for a replacement for a desktop, while still keeping all the functionality of a laptop, as well as having the added functionality of a tablet for whatever they may need it for (in my case, VT’s Engineering Program).

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