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Comcast Starts To Define the Redefined “Unlimited”



We’ve been seeing reports lately that Comcast’s battle with the definition of the word “unlimited” might be coming to an end. If you’re unfamiliar with Comcast’s language struggle, remember that the advertised “unlimited bandwidth” is giving them fits because, well, without defining “unlimited” they’ve been cutting off some users who Comcast thinks are using too much bandwidth. And those pesky language and truth-in-advertising folk are giving them a little trouble.

First, there was word that “unlimited” equaled about 90Gigabytes a month. Now, comes word that “unlimited” equals about 200Gigabytes a month and that it only affects about 0.01% of users. So, we’re still stuggling, but at least we’re getting close, although I’m not sure if it is good thing that Comcast has as much trouble with the math part of this as they do with their language skills.

To be fair, at least a Comcast rep is starting to speak out on this.


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