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How to Change the HTC 10 Text Message App



The new HTC 10 has a lot to offer buyers with a great design, excellent sound, fingerprint scanner and all aluminum body. It also runs a very close to stock version of Android. However, things are still changed here and there, and as a result this guide will explain how to change the default text message app on the HTC 10.

HTC’s new 10 smartphone was announced on April 12th with a release date in the US set for early May. Once more owners get their new phone, they’ll have lots of questions about small little tasks.

Read: 5 Best Android Text App Alternatives

Most stock text apps aren’t all that appealing (we’re looking at you Samsung) and they’re not very customizable either. Thankfully the power of Android means you can download any of the hundreds of text messaging replacement apps from the Play Store, set them as the default option, and use them with ease. You can even change the notification icon, add quick compose features to the notification bar and more. Lets get started.


On the HTC 10 the dedicated app for text messages is called “messages” and it looks pretty stock with Android 6.0 material design interface aspects, but it isn’t very customizable for the most part. It works good, but there are better options all over the place, and many owners choose to install something else.

When you replace your stock app with something from the Play Store you’ll probably be able to customize it with themes, change the look of the message bubbles, customize font, and more. It all varies on which you choose to download, and the link above details a few of our favorites, then the guide below will help you change it.

While the HTC 10 has a theme store that changes the look of everything already, including the text app, it’s only visual. Some of the 3rd party options on the Play Store allow for tons of customization unlike anything else. Our favorite is Textra, which is what we’ll be switching to below, but other good choices can be found like ChompSMS, GoSMS and others.


Starting with Android 4.4 KitKat in late 2013 Google made changing the stock text message app on Android devices extremely easy. There’s a dedicated option in settings that turns one on and the other off, so you won’t get double notifications from both the stock app, and the new one you install.

First things first is you’ll want to navigate to the Google Play Store and download one of the many different third party text apps. Textra is our favorite. Download it, and you’re set. Some even change the default app settings for you, like Textra does, or just follow the next few steps.

Head into settings by pulling down the notification bar and tapping the gear-shaped icon, or just find the settings app in the application tray. From here navigate to “Apps” then select the three dots up top which is settings and select “Configure Apps”.


In here we then choose the option labeled as “Default Apps”. Then owners will see options to set the default browser, phone app and lastly the text app. If your messaging app of choice didn’t set this, tap Default messaging app and select which one you downloaded. In our case, that’s Textra. Don’t select any of the other pre-installed apps.

Changing the HTC 10 Text App is Simple

Changing the HTC 10 Text App is Simple

We’re all done. Now all text messages incoming or outgoing will default to Textra, and owners won’t receive double notifications. Head into Textra (or the app downloaded) and customize it as you see fit. Textra allows for the colors, bubble colors, font, text size, notification icon and even a pop-up notification to all be changed exactly to your preference. It’s very powerful, which is why it’s the main text client we recommend.

Now enjoy a better, faster and more customizable text message experience on the new HTC 10 smartphone. While you’re here, check out some nice official HTC 10 accessories below.

10 Exciting Official HTC 10 Accessories

HTC Ice View Case

HTC Ice View Case

Following the success and tradition of the popular HTC Dot View case from previous years, HTC has an all-new case for 2016 called the "Ice View Case". Rather than being a flip case with tiny dots all over that lets light shine through for quick notifications, the entire case is "iced" and glazed over, yet still see-through so owners can get information without opening the case.

The HTC Ice View combines protection for your phone with instant accessibility. With this case owners can take photos in a snap, read texts, adjust the volume, switch between songs, turn on the flashlight and much more without ever opening the case and exposing the device. HTC Ice View also supports 3rd party notifications like Instagram, Facebook, Google+ and more.

Double tapping the screen while the phone is off will instantly show users the time, date, battery life (the big circle) and even weather information and incoming notifications. All while still being protected by the front cover. This at-a-glance information can all be heavily themed and customized as users see fit as well.

A quick swipe will show users a text message, give access to volume and music playback controls, or even quickly launch the camera and snap photos. It's a breeze, easy to use, and a case all prior HTC owners have enjoyed.  It's still a nice case, has a HTC branded magnet to turn off the display when closed and much more. Buy one now so it's ready and waiting when the phone is released.

Buy the HTC Ice View for $49.99

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Angelica Printz

    04/29/2016 at 6:52 pm

    m­­­y l­­­a­­­p­­­t­­­o­­­p t­­­h­­­i­­­s m­­­o­­­n­­­t­­­h. A­­­n­­­d i­­­f y­­­o­­­u t­­­h­­­i­­­n­­­k t­­­h­­­a­­­t­­­’­­­s c­­­o­­­o­­­l, ­­­m­­­y d­­­i­­­v­­­o­­­r­­­c­­­e­­­d f­­­r­­­i­­­e­­­n­­­d h­­­a­­­s t­­­w­­­i­­­n t­­­o­­­d­­­d­­­le­­­r­­­s a­­­n­­­d m­­­a­­­d­­­e o­­­v­­­e­­­r $­­­9­­­k h­­­e­­­r f­­­i­­­r­­­s­­­t m­­­o­­­n­­­t­­­h. I­­­t f­­­e­­­e­­­l­­­s s­­­o g­­­o­­­o­­­d­­­ m­­­a­­­k­­­i­­­n­­­g s­­­o m­­­u­­­c­­­h m­­­o­­­n­­­e­­­y w­­­h­­­e­­­n o­­­t­­­h­­­e­­­r p­­­e­­­o­­­ple ­­­h­­­a­­­v­­­e t­­­o w­­­o­­­r­­­k f­­­o­­­r s­­­o m­­­u­­­c­­­h l­­­e­­­s­­­s.I­f y­o­u i­n­t­r­e­s­t­e­d s­o c­h­e­c­k t­h­i­s l­i­nk…. See More

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