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iOS 9 Jailbreak Release Already in the Works



Apple unveiled iOS 9 earlier this week with a handful of new features, and it looks like an iOS 9 jailbreak release is already in the works for later this fall.

It was reported recently that iOS 9 would include a ton of new security features and fixes that would essentially lock up iOS 9 real tight, which put a damper on the jailbreak community, as an iOS 9 jailbreak release looked extremely grim at that point.

However, that might not be the case, as it’s said that a Chinese jailbreak dev team is working on an iOS 9 jailbreak and will have plans to release in the fall shortly after Apple releases iOS 9.

According to Forbes, the “Keen Team” is the one behind the jailbreak, and if you’ve never heard about them before it’s probably because they’ve never released a jailbreak, but they’re quite well-known in the general hacking world.

In fact, they exploited the iPhone’s Safari web browser during the 2013 and 2014 Mobile Pwn2Own competitions and won tens of thousands of dollars doing it.


However, the team doesn’t yet have a working iOS 9 jailbreak, but they’re pretty confident that they’ll be able to crack the new mobile operating system, as they’re already saying that they hope to release it in the fall.

In the meantime, an iOS 8.3 jailbreak or an iOS 8.4 jailbreak will most likely release at some point within the next month or so, as iOS 8.4 is set to be released on June 30. We could see a new jailbreak arrive shortly after that time.

Jailbreak developers could technically release an iOS 8.3 jailbreak right now, but the downside to that is that it would give Apple enough time to patch up the exploits used and apply them to iOS 8.4, rendering iOS 8.4 unjailbreakable and thus, severely shortening the lifespan of the iOS 8.3 jailbreak that was just released. If that was the case, it would be a huge waste of time for jailbreak developers.

Instead, releasing a jailbreaking after iOS 8.4 releases would be ideal, since iOS 8.4 will likely be the last version of iOS 8 to release before iOS 9 releases, which would severely prolong the life of an iOS 8.3 or iOS 8.4 jailbreak, making it last throughout the whole summer.

Overall, it seems like new jailbreaks are few and far between, but Apple is giving users more of a reason not to jailbreak, especially since a new major iOS update usually includes new features taken from jailbreak tweaks, and iOS 9 is certainly one of them.

iOS 9 download

iOS 9 is full of cool new features, many of which have actually been around for a while in the form of jailbreak tweaks. Features like proactivity, picture-in-picture video, low-power mode, etc. are all jailbreak tweaks that users can take advantage of right now on their iOS 8 devices.

Unfortunately, it’s a bit too late to jailbreak your device, as iOS 8.3 isn’t jailbreakable yet, and neither is iOS 8.2. The latest jailbreakable version is iOS 8.1.2, and it’s likely that you’re way past that.

However, it seems that you won’t have to wait too long for the ability of jailbreaking your iPhone, as an iOS 8.4 jailbreak or an iOS 8.3 jailbreak is right around the corner. As far as which one it will be, it’s likely that developers will see if their exploit tool works in iOS 8.4, and if not, they’ll release an iOS 8.3 jailbreak when iOS 8.4 releases.

Otherwise, we could see an iOS 8.4 jailbreak shortly after the release of iOS 8.4 itself, which means that we could see a new jailbreak release within the next month, which is just right around the corner. That will easily last the entire summer, and then when iOS 9 releases, there should hopefully be a jailbreak waiting. If so, it’ll be a good time for jailbreakers.

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