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Long Live the Tablet PC!



Some people seem to think that I was sounding the death gong for the tablet PC the other day.  Let me point out that the first 6 words of the title were The Tablet PC Has Not Failed!

My strong and passionate conviction is that pen and touch interfaces are here to stay and that a wider suite of Natural Input technologies will be increasingly important in the future.  Tablet PC is alive and well.

I also know that software that leverages the pen is critical and this is where we are lagging at the moment – but that is a problem that can be fixed.  The Tablet PC as it exists today is full of untapped potential.  that’s great!  That is much better than having a platform with no potential!  All we need are some innovative applications.  Or should I say some more innovative applications!  Some of the applications that do exist today can change the way you work and make you much more effective and productive.  I for one could not even contemplate having a pen challenged computer (aka a laptop) as my main mobile computing device. 

Clearly Rob shares this view…

Don’t break out the black suit, drums, and saxaphone just yet – Tablet isn’t dead and it won’t be dying any time soon.

Here here!

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