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Process Lasso Review at Boston Pocket PC



lassoperf_thumb[1] Steve shot us off an e-mail to check out his review of the program called Process Lasso.  After reading his review over on I think I am going to give it a try.  Does anybody already use this application? It looks like it might save some power as it’s controlling those processes.  I’ll be checking it out this weekend.

I am a huge multi-tasker and start one task and have another running in the background (some claim its the way my brain is wired for parallel computing others think I have ADD, it may be a combination of the two), what I really want from Task Manager is more granular control over what programs have focus and get the majority of processing power. This became an even larger concern when I started using my P1610 for the majority of my computing needs, granted I generally flip-flop between two or three computers and even have a few RDCs (Remote Desktop Clients) and virtual PC images running as well, but when I am out of the Office the P1610 is my main PC.

Read the whole review over on

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