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So what will be the news about Origami on March 2nd?



Speculation is running wild about Origami, which is of course exactly what Microsoft wants to happen. Now before anyone starts screaming “Evil Empire” vaporware spew, understand that this is what is called, uhhh, successful marketing. I know that lots of people are expecting to have rumors confirmed or denied, or at least to get some good details on March 2nd, but I just want to encourage people to not expect too much that quickly. Todd Bishop in his Microsoft Blog is following this story closely, and offerred this comment direct from Frank Shaw at Microsoft in his article today:

“And one final note: A spokesman for Microsoft, Frank Shaw, said Sunday that the company doesn’t plan an Origami announcement on Thursday, as might have been expected. The March 2 date on instead refers to plans to offer more details on the site. In that context, the references to three weeks at the bottom of the site start to make more sense”.

Be patient folks. There is a planned date, and like I said before — You’re gonna LIKE. Then you are gonna WANT. I know I already do ….

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