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5 Best iPhone Bike Apps



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Medical ID

Medical ID

Built into iOS 8 is the Health app, and with it comes a feature called Medical ID. It's essentially similar to that of a medical bracelet that someone would wear that has any critical medical information about them if they weren't able to speak.

Medical ID acts the same way, only on your iPhone. It allows you to list things like medical conditions, allergies, your weight and height, and even your emergency contacts. Setting this up and having it accessible from the lock screen can give first responders vital information about you if you’re not able to respond to questions, like if were unconscious after a serious bike accident.

This is something that frequent bikers should set up on their iPhones, as the risk of getting into an accident is pretty high, especially if you're on a busy road and your city isn't particularly bike-friendly. I've heard too many stories of cyclists getting hit and taking trips to hospitals, but if you have Medical ID enabled, it can give first responders more information that can hopefully save your life.

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