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Fallout 4: 11 Things to Know After Christmas



Nuka Cola Quantum Update

Nuka Cola Quantum Update

Earlier this month, Bethesda, Target and Jones Soda released more Nuka Cola Quantum stock. The limited edition berry soda has made a triumphant return and it's now available in many Target stores around the United States. 

If you're looking for a birthday gift or something to go with your Fallout 4 purchase, look no further than this cool piece of Fallout memorabilia. It's $2.99 and best of all, it's available at many Target stores right now

It's not clear how long it will stay on shelves. Some stores are already selling out. You should be able to find one in your area before the new year but you'll still want to call ahead or check online just to be safe

It's also not clear when or if the companies will bring the soda to regions outside the United States. Jones has said that it's working to bring the soda to Canada but plans aren't set in stone yet. 



  1. Shalondajburke

    12/22/2015 at 6:11 am

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    01/01/2016 at 8:46 am

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