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Hot Topic in the Forums



Want to join in on a wonderful discussion?  Well head on into the Forums…  One topic that is really going right now is this discussion how a UMPC can fit into someone’s life.  For me, I had the R2H and I tried to make it fit into my life – I couldn’t really do it…  I used it on occasion to play some media while on a plane and as a navigation device while in the car.  With my Tablet PC and my work, it really didn’t fit for me having 2 devices that are so close to the same thing.  There are some great points being made over there including some of these snips:

Quest in his original question at the start of the thread:

I guess I just don’t get it. I want to though, so I was thinking it would be great to hear some stories from those who use them and how they use them.

pomoster in a reply:

So, a tablet or notebook is kind of overkill for this and your average media player is underkill (word?) and thus, I have a perfect use for UMPCs.


First, let me state that this reply is being written on a Fujitsu U810 outside of my local Starbuck’s. That’s the role a UMPC plays in my life–part idle distraction,-part entertainment device, part communication tool, part technogeek wonder toy.

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