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CloudBook Debut Yields Some Issues



Avram Piltch at Laptop Magazine got his hands on the Everex CloudBook and is blogging his unboxing. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like this is a pleasant OOBE (out of the box experience), especially for newbies, which after all is the target market for this devices that you can supposedly pick up in Wal-Mart. In addition to some WiFi connectivity issues, the biggest (and silliest) stumbling block seems to be with getting past the opening screens where you set user information (time zone, name, etc..). UMPC users will be familiar with this one. Small screens with unfortunately limited screen resolutions often leave ok buttons and the like below the edge of the screen.

Fortunately, a user suggested they use an ALT-Click to move the window above the edge of the screen and they were able to proceed. But, I’m like Avram here. I know a think or two about these kind of things, but I was unaware, until today, that an ALT-Click would allow you to do that. And of course lacking any instructions, I’m sure a newbie would be completely baffled.

Not a good way to begin things if you ask me.

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