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Scoble’s FriendFeed List Highlights Tablet PC Freaks



friendfeedlogo I’m honored to be a freak. So is Rob. The ubiquitous Robert Scoble has created a ““hand-picked list of the people who provide the most interesting tech blogging/tweeting/FriendFeeding.” Rob and I both made Scoble’s list. It is good to see that Scoble is still something of a Tablet PC freak (he was a big advocate back in the day), as he listed a number of other Tableteers he follows including the First Family of Tablet PCs, Lora, Layne, and Loren Heiny, and James Kendrick.

Scoble’s list is a who’s who of tech bloggers, many of whom I regularly follow and quite a few who get linked to regularly on the pages of GBM.

FriendFeed is becoming an intriguing aggregator of information as it allows users to compile a feed of info from blogs, Twitter,, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, and others from 43 services. It can be noisy at times, but it can also be an effective way of following the content and personalities of those you are interested in now that many publish content on a variety of platforms.

GBM has a room in FriendFeed, and you can follow myself, Rob,   Matt Faulkner, and Truc Bui on our personal feeds as well.

So, from one freak to another, thanks, Scoble.

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