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March Black Ops 3 Update: 4 Things to Expect & 3 Not To



Expect Many March Black Ops 3 Hotfixes

Expect Many March Black Ops 3 Hotfixes

In addition to a system delivered March Black Ops 3 update, you should also expect many smaller hotfixes to arrive on PC, Xbox One and PS4. We've already seen three of these, and there will likely be several more. 

These will come directly to the game, which could force you to restart the game if you left your console on in low power mode with Black Ops 3 running.

Activision does not offer official hotfix patch notes on the support listing for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, but we generally hear about the changes through Twitter.

David Vonderhaar, Studio Design Director at Treyarch, normally shares a small summary of changes on Twitter. If the change log is bigger than two tweets, and especially if it involves weapons, we could see an update on Reddit with more details.



  1. Brett

    02/29/2016 at 1:14 am

    This article is so poorly written my god….

  2. Isabelwlucius

    02/29/2016 at 6:12 am

    0=1m­­­­­­­­­y b­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­s­­­­­­­­­t f­­­­­­­­­r­­­­­­­­­i­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­n­­­­­­­­­d’s h­­­­­­­­­a­­­­­­­­­l­­­­­­­­­f-s­­­­­­­­­i­­­­­­­­­s­­­­­­­­­t­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­r m­­­­­­­­­a­­­­­­­­­k­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­s $87 /h­­­­­­­­­r o­­­­­­­­­n t­­­­­­­­­h­­­­­­­­­e l­­­­­­­­­a­­­­­­­­­p­­­­­­­­­t­­­­­­­­­o­­­­­­­­­p . S­­­­­­­­­h­­­­­­­­­e h­­­­­­­­­a­­­­­­­­­s b­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­n o­­­­­­­­­u­­­­­­­­­t o­­­­­­­­­f a j­­­­­­­­­o­­­­­­­­­b f­­­­­­­­­o­­­­­­­­­r e­­­­­­­­­i­­­­­­­­­g­­­­­­­­­h­­­­­­­­­t m­­­­­­­­­o­­­­­­­­­n­­­­­­­­­t­­­­­­­­­h­­­­­­­­­s b­­­­­­­­­u­­­­­­­­­t l­­­­­­­­­a­­­­­­­­­s­­­­­­­­­t m­­­­­­­­­o­­­­­­­­­n­­­­­­­­­t­­­­­­­­­h h­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­r c­­­­­­­­­h­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­c­­­­­­­­­k w­­­­­­­­­a­­­­­­­­­s $16467 j­­­­­­­­­u­­­­­­­­­s­­­­­­­­­t w­­­­­­­­­o­­­­­­­­­r­­­­­­­­­k­­­­­­­­­i­­­­­­­­­n­­­­­­­­­g o­­­­­­­­­n t­­­­­­­­­h­­­­­­­­­e l­­­­­­­­­a­­­­­­­­­p­­­­­­­­­t­­­­­­­­­o­­­­­­­­­p f­­­­­­­­­o­­­­­­­­­r a f­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­w h­­­­­­­­­o­­­­­­­­­u­­­­­­­­­r­­­­­­­­­s.
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  3. Chase Laney

    03/01/2016 at 10:36 am

    Download pushing threw as I type it is a Major update . 9.6 GB

  4. Chase Laney

    03/01/2016 at 10:40 am

    Ha feeling better it is about 800 MB patch It started downloading at around 8 GB . Lol my son had tripping glad I came over and took closer look

    • James

      03/02/2016 at 9:16 pm

      How have you got it?

  5. Cal

    03/01/2016 at 8:37 pm

    Are they going to do anything about the cheating going on in multi player on the PS4?

  6. Dalton

    03/15/2016 at 4:47 pm

    Xbox 360 one sucks I was hoping just maybe something would happen and the game would not be crap so ya

  7. Howard

    03/17/2016 at 6:18 am

    anyone know when the latest update will be out for xbox 360 or any DLC ?

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