16GB Nexus 7 Back In Stock, Shipping in 3-5 Days
The 16GB version of the Google Nexus 7 is back in stock in the Google Play Store.
The Google Play Store now lists the 16GB Nexus 7 as shipping within 3-5 days, just like the 8GB version of the tablet. The $250 tablet was recently out of stock, with no estimate on when it would come back. It looks like Google just received a new shipment of the tablet, and it will likely sell out soon.
Unfortunately, we don’t know if this means retailers also have the 16GB model of the Nexus 7 in stock, or when they will get their shipments. Other retailers that sell the Nexus 7 include GameStop, Staples, Office Depot, and Adorama. For a full list of the retailers check our guide on where to buy the Nexus 7.
Read: Nexus 7 Review
The best chance to get a 16GB Nexus 7 at the moment is likely through the Google Play Store. Calling the other retailers might result in some good news, but last we heard those retailers weren’t expecting more shipments until sometime in August. A quick search of Nexus 7 retailers in San Francisco showed two dozen locations sold out of the Nexus 7, with a single Staples in San Ramon, CA reporting it as in stock.
Read: How to Find a Nexus 7 in Stock at a Local Retailer
The Nexus 7 is our favorite 7-inch tablet so far. The form factor is great for reading and playing games. It’s also much more portable than the iPad, as well as more affordable. We recommend buying the 16GB model while it’s available because 8GB just isn’t enough when some games take up over 1GB and movies take several.
The Google Play Store surprisingly still has the official Asus cover for the Nexus 7 in stock for just $20. There’s several other cases available for the Nexus 7 from a variety of manufacturers, however.

07/30/2012 at 4:17 pm
There are some of us, who during the hype, were told to go to Gamestop
and reserve our Nexus 7. I pre ordered my Nexus 7 on the 17th of July.
Like most who did, I was told I would get it no later than September.
Almost in tears, like a grown man-child would, I turned around a made
the journey back home to cry on my pillow, in solitude, like a real man.
I google searched for three hours a day with no Gamestop news to
scratch my itch. Hungrier and hungrier I starved inside for an update,
only to be let down by Google searches from July 13th, and random
android forums where people gushed about their new affordable tablet.
Finally it came, Google is shipping more 16gb Nexus 7. Within days they
were sold out again.Sad, confused, and tired, I turned off my computer
and went to bed. Fast forward to today. My new day of Google searching
the Nexus 7 for any updates. I see Radioshack on the horizon, selling
Nexus 7, but wait I thought they were sold out. Then more good news,
Google has re-opened the Nexus 7 vault, and more 16gb tablets are on
sale. I rushed to my phone and called my local Gamestop. To my surprise,
the manager was on a conference call all about the Nexus. I waited
three hours and called again. SO HERE IT IS FOR ALL OF US WHO ARE
were getting a shipment in at least a week, no specific day was given. I
imagine I will finally get my hands on the tablet this time next week.
For the first time in 3 weeks I may sleep peacefully. With the help of a
vodka and orange juice.
07/31/2012 at 11:24 am
freak! you deserve to die.
07/31/2012 at 11:33 am
I will… one day.