2nd Annual Workshop on the Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education
Last week, I posted a link to a paper that was presented at the Workshop on the Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education (WIPTE) help at the University of Purdue. I just received word from Mark Payton, a member of the WIPTE steering committee, that they are accepting paper submissions for next years workshop to be held in June of 2007 at the University of Purdue. For more information on the WIPTE conference, you can visit their website here.
If you are interested in purchasing the series of papers from the 2006 workshop, you can buy them from Amazon for $22.95.
Here is a synopsis of the workshop, and links to the Paper and Poster submission guidelines:
A wide variety of disciplines are embracing Tablet PC’s and similar pen-based devices as tools for the radical enhancement of teaching and learning. Deployments of Tablet PCs have spanned the K-12, undergraduate, and graduate levels and have dealt with an amazingly diverse range of subject areas including nursing, veterinary science, geology, ethno-musicology, anthropology, landscape architecture, writing, mathematics, computer science, Japanese language, physics, engineering, art, economics, as well as others. Despite the diversity of content areas, many deployments have been similar in terms of the passion they have generated among students and teachers. The Second Workshop on the Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education (WIPTE) is intended to leverage this shared passion and to identify best practices in the educational use of pen-based computing so that all educators may benefit from this next generation of technology.
WIPTE seeks paper submissions from individuals with experience deploying pen-based pedagogy in varied educational environments. All submissions will be peer reviewed. The review process will look for contributions that discuss actual deployments of pen-based educational solutions coupled with reports on attempts to rigorously assess the value of the deployment.