A little more info on the upcoming UMPC ….
Well, there is enough speculation going around about the new Ultra-Mobile PC that is rumored to be coming to the U.S., that we thought we would share what we know and can share. Linda Epstein at TabletPC2 & UltraMobilePCs.com pinged me today with this image that she had cleared with the vendor.
I contacted them and asked permission to share some news, and was told a couple of facts:
The units are in process of being scheduled for production, and they do not want to promise release dates until they can confirm them
They have order Microsoft “Certificate of Authority” labels, so are getting geared up for sales
They have sourced some really great accessories
The user manulas were released for printing today
Sorry there is not more that can be shared, but if I were you, I would want to know what I could, as I could. I promise — we will share ore as we have it.
Hat tip to Linda at TabletPC2.com. (She also has a slightly larger image)