Adobe strikes back with a resounding “Nuh-uh” – Flash 10.1 for Android in June
Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen shot back at Steve Jobs’ “Thoughts on Flash” yesterday in an exclusive interview with WSJ. Haven’t had time to watch it, but from the highlights, it looks like a lot of “Yes, we do. No, we don’t.” However, in a new blog post, they deliver the goods: Flash Player 10.1 is coming to Android in June.
If you’ve got twenty minutes to burn, WSJ has video of the interview online, but it reads to me like Narayen is chasing after Jobs’ statement and does not take ownership of the debate. For the real counter-strike, the Adobe blog brings it:
We look forward to delivering Flash Player 10.1 for Android smartphones as a public preview at Google I/O in May, and then a general release in June. From that point on, an ever increasing number and variety of powerful, Flash-enabled devices will be arriving which we hope will provide a great landscape of choice.
No smack talk. No wild rhetoric. Just a plain announcement from CTO Kevin Lynch that users will get to experience Flash 10.1 on their Android devices starting in June. The time to put up or shut up has been set.

Mickey Segal
04/30/2010 at 7:06 am
There is open access to the Wall Street Journal article at:
04/30/2010 at 9:00 am
Its about time! Now droid will be the ultimate device of chice!
04/30/2010 at 9:10 am
The only truly valid point Jobs made in his email is that Adobe has yet to produce Flash for mobile device–I’m sure some of the delay has to do with trying to work with Apple; nonetheless, until Adobe produces Flash working well on mobile devices there isn’t much to really say about anything. Jobs can make all the hypocritical remarks he like, and Adobe can cry all they want. . . they are mute points. Once Flash is “fully functional” on Android then we can all see how much battery drainage takes place, how efficient it is, etc. . . but until that happens there isn’t much to say. If Apple wants to lock developers into their tools then that’s up to developers to decide if it is worth it or not.
For me as an end user I like having choices, lots of choices :)
iPhone user
05/05/2010 at 4:22 pm
So… Wait a second… Because of the fact that Adobe and Apple don’t “get along” means that I as a simple consumer can’t just use the internet as I expected to and pay for? I left Verizon for one reason, and it wasn’t the iPhone. I left Verizon after purchasing an HTC Touch (XV6900 to Verizon). That thing was CRAP, and the smartphone plan was soo outrageous! Two of us on smartphone plans was over $250/month for 700 shared minutes. So, Adobe is just after the some of money Verizon rapes people for I guess.