Android L Release Teaser Confirms Android 5.0
This week has been full of news regarding Google’s upcoming Nexus 6 smartphone, Nexus 9 tablet, and the Android L release, but we’re just getting started. Today Google’s released the first of many videos that not only confirmed the next version of Android “L release” will be Android 5.0, but they’re also hinting at its name. It’s one video you have to watch.
Last year Google surprised many when they announced Android 4.4 KitKat along with Nestle Chocolate, as all leaks and rumors suggested Android 4.4 would be Key Lime Pie. For those who don’t know, each version and release of Android is named in alphabetical order after a sweet dessert.
Read: Android L Release Rumors Heating Up
Today two hints have arrived suggesting the next version of Google’s Android operating system for smartphones and tablets will be Android 5.0 Lollipop. Below is a teaser video released by Google themselves, as well as some evidence regarding what they’ll name the next major step in the Android OS.
All the way back to Android 1.5 Cupcake, then Donut, Google has released each major update with a new version number, and an accompanying name. Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, Android 4.4 KitKat, and now the new Android 5.0 “L”.
The video below was just released this afternoon by Google. Teasing Android users and fans everywhere at to what the next version of Android will officially be called. We’ve been hearing reports and suggestions that Lollipop will be the name, but others suggest Ladyfinger, Licorice, or even Layer Cake. However, Google has a few other things in mind, as we can see below, and even teases Android Oreo, which will likely be Android 7.0 or something. Below is the new Android L release teaser you have to see.
It’s worth noting that Google didn’t tease Lollipop at all in the video above, in an attempt to get the rumor mills swirling (and all wrong) as the company announces the new operating system tomorrow. All reports and rumors are suggesting tomorrow, October 15th is the official announcement date for the Nexus 6, Nexus 9, and Android 5.0 L.
Rumor has it both the smartphone and tablet will debut with Android L, but the HTC Nexus 9 will arrive as the first Android L device, on or around November 3rd.
Read: Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 Release Details Emerge
While we’re on the topic of Android 5.0 L, and what it will be called, here’s some evidence that it will indeed be Android 5.0 Lollipop. According to the developer site Myce, Google’s been testing multiple new versions of Android and the screenshot below essentially confirms Lollipop will be the name.
The USB Debug icon that appears on your Android device is usually which version of Android you’re running. Above we see the USB debug icon from the official Google tracker showing a Lollipop, possibly revealing the name ahead of Google’s big announcements tomorrow. It’s also worth noting a lot of talk and rumors have swirled around it being called Licorice, so we’ll have to wait and see.
It’s worth noting that Google’s since removed the page where this screenshot was found, possibly trying to hide proof of the next version of Android before the big reveal tomorrow. That being said, it’s still anyone’s guess until Google makes it official.
Android 5.0 will be one of the biggest releases and changes to the Android operating system in a long time, so we’re expecting tons of videos, teasers, and news tomorrow. Stay tuned as we’ll be sure to keep updating the moment all the details arrive.

10/15/2014 at 3:18 am
Could it be that lamington has been overlooked? It too was left out for a reason