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Android M Beta for Nexus 5, Nexus 6 & Nexus 9 Details



This morning Google officially announced Android M will be available later today as an early beta for developers to try it out ahead of the release in the 3rd quarter of this year. The Android M Developer Preview is now available for the Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 and Nexus Player.

Just like last year with Android 5.0 Lollipop, which was just called Android L, today at Google IO Google confirmed the next version of Android will be available for select users to try soon.

Developers will have access to Android M through the standard Android developer portal, while the average user will have to wait until later this year to get their hands on Android M. Read on for more details.

Android M Main

The next version of Android is officially being called Android M for now, and the beta is available as we speak. We’re not sure what Android M will stand for, but many are thinking Milky Way, Marshmallow, or other names that follow Google’s typical dessert named themes.

Update: Download Files

Android M – Nexus 5

Android M – Nexus 6

Android M – Nexus 9

Instructions for flashing can be found here, and a full how t0 is coming soon.

For now we don’t have a lot of details about Android M, or how much it will change the current state of Android 5.1 Lollipop, but Google did announce tons of changes to the entire experience. The moment we get our hands on Android M we’ll be sure to update with hands-on, how to install instructions, and much more.

Today at Google IO the company detailed six key changes to Android, which will debut with Android M today and later this year. Some of those being app permissions being more user friendly and controlled by each permission inside of the app. Google Wallet and NFC will be called Android Pay, and get tons of attention to take on Apple Pay, native fingerprint sensor support for better security with devices like the Galaxy S6 and others, which also works with Android Pay, USB-C, improved battery life, and much more.

Android M

As you can see above, and from what Google’s shown on stage so far, Android M won’t be a major change in how Android looks and feels, but instead focus on improving the experience, making performance more smooth, deliver better battery life, and add more features. Then of course they’ve hopefully fixed many of the key bugs that are still lingering in Android 5.1 Lollipop. Most likely all major brands will update to Android M once it arrives later this year.

Again, the Android M beta is available on the Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 tablet, and finally the Nexus Player with Android TV. We’ve just updated with the download files above for those interested in trying out the latest Android M right now.



  1. Sourav Dutta

    05/29/2015 at 5:23 am

    i just got the android lollipop 5.1.1 update 2 days ago on my LG Google Nexus 5 . Before the update, my phone was running very smoothly with very little bugs …not to worry about.But from the day i updated to 5.1.1, my phone is facing serious problems as–

    1. Display flickering or jumping
    2. Typing freezes
    3. Slow response
    4. getting freezed sometimes
    5. sometimes freezes to a screen filled with coloured dots like sand.

    So it is very difficult to use the phone and am also scared whether will this brick or damage my phone.will it ????
    So please help me and being helpless out here. and if anyone having the same issues?

    • Steven Pickett

      05/29/2015 at 8:09 am

      This is for Nexus only, so don’t try to put it on your LG.

      I would contact LG about your problems

    • Cory Gunther

      05/29/2015 at 9:27 am

      I’d try doing a factory data reset in settings Sourav.. This will erase all your data, apps, etc, but will likely solve all of your problems. I’d stay on 5.1.1 for now.

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