Apple Accused of Ripping Off iOS 5 Feature from Student
Apple has been accused of stealing an application its using in its upcoming iOS 5 software after rejecting the application from the iTunes App Store due to “security concerns” and because the app performed functions outside of the SDK.
Back in May of 2010, Apple rejected an application made by a student named Greg Hughes. Apple rejects applications all the time but this one was significant. You see, Hughes had submitted an application called ‘Wi-Fi Sync’ that allowed for iPhone users to wirelessly sync their device to the computer over Wi-Fi. Sound familiar? It should, because Apple just introduced that feature as part of iOS 5.
In fact, the application has the same name, same logo and same function as Hughes’ app which is currently one of the Cydia’s best selling applications selling over 50,000 copies since it was released.
The app was so good, that it prompted an App Store representative to call Hughes to commend the app and explain why the company rejected it. Apparently, they also told him to apply to the company after he graduated from school.
So what’s Hughes doing about this? Well, he’s in the middle of midterms but it appears that once he is done, he intends to pursue the matter after taking legal advice.
Via: The Telegraph

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06/09/2011 at 9:15 pm
why do you think they rejected it in the first place
06/09/2011 at 10:24 pm
What… like that guy invented the idea of syncing wirelessly?!
People have been demanding that for years…
So what exactly did they rip off? Not the idea.
The logo? A combination of Apple’s WiFi icon and Apple’s iSync icon? Hardly.
The name “Wifi Sync”?
06/10/2011 at 10:49 am
Yes, I see your logic. It is not like Apple would accuse anyone else of stealing any “ideas”
The only flaw in the reporting of this is the use of the word “feature” in singular. Apparently Apple has a pattern of rejecting ideas submitted to their appstore so that they can turn them into their own apps or “features”
Boo apple.
06/10/2011 at 1:36 am
Hahahaha!!! What a “Rotten Apple” you are Apple, just plain!!
06/10/2011 at 7:45 pm
Has anyone else found any proof of this because people accuse large companies of this all the time???
06/10/2011 at 7:45 pm
Has anyone else found any proof of this because people accuse large companies of this all the time???
06/11/2011 at 8:43 am
But anyways, the iOS5 made me surprised and excited! The iCloud is so cool, would be a amazing Media and Document storage and player, then maybe I don’t need to do repeating conversion with my iFunia video converter to different device~