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AVG Users Take Note: Error Removes Windows System Files



If you are an AVG user (7.5 or 8.0) you need to do an update right away. Yesterday an update that was released recognized a Windows XP system file (user.dll) as a virus and recommended deleting the file. If the file did get deleted you would not be able to boot up and have to do a restore. AVG has corrected the issue leading to the false positive and users should download the latest update.

Via Security and the Net



  1. DaveTN

    11/11/2008 at 9:50 am

    Yeah, thats just great because I got three calls from customers yesterday telling me that they can’t boot their computers because of “missing files”. My only day off this week to study for exams and I have three housecalls to make to try to do system restores, data recovery…etc. All three had my “highly recomended” AVG on them. UGH!

  2. mrpacs

    11/12/2008 at 5:32 am

    Not good

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