Best New iPad Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks in Cydia
The new iPad jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1 is now available to the masses as part of the easy to use Absinthe 2.0.2 jailbreak tool.
With this jailbreak, nearly all the iPad models can be jailbroken.
Read: New iPad Jailbreak Released
To help users get started, here are the best new iPad jailbreak apps and tweaks we could find. These iPad jailbreak apps work on the new iPad, iPad 2 and in many cases the original iPad.
Much of the information in our iPhone 4S jailbreak guide applies to the new iPad jailbreak and iPad 2 jailbreak, so I recommend starting there if you need to learn about the iPad 3rd gen jailbreak.
To find these iPad jailbreak apps, open Cydia on the iPad and search the name. If the app is not found, add a new repo, but most of these new iPad jailbreak apps are in the standard Cydia repos.
Many of these iPad jailbreak tweaks are free, but a few will cost as much as $10. Remember that when you purchase jailbreak apps, you cannot use them if you un-jailbreak, but you can re-install them when you re-jailbreak.
Quasar allows users to multitask on the iPad with resizable overlapping windows. This is the best way to view two apps at one time on the new iPad.
Quasar uses the home button and iOS multitasking gestures to control windows, and users control the size of windows much like in OS X.
This is a great looking app and one of the biggest reasons to jailbreak the new iPad, especially for users who want to work in two browser windows while working with an iPad keyboard case.
Quasar is $9.99 – more info on Quasar.
SwipeSelection delivers a better way to edit text on the iPad, and one of the best jailbreak apps for users who edit text on the iPad.
Instead of tapping on the text, swipe with one finger for precise cursor movement or two fingers to swipe faster. To select text, start a swipe from the shift key. This ingenious method of text selection is impressive and one we hope shows up in iOS 6, but until then it is one of the best free iPad jailbreak apps in Cydia.
SBSettings remains a favorite iPad jailbreak app because it offers fast access to settings with a simple swipe on the status bar.
Users who need to turn Bluetooth and WiFi on or off and switch brightness often will love this free iPad jailbreak app.
SBSettings is themeable and expandable with add-ons available in Cydia.
Dashboard X
Dashboard X brings widgets to the iPad. These widgets allow users to put clocks, buttons, weather and much more live on the iPad home screen.
Dashboard X is $1.99 and includes the option to add additional widgets like DashTweet, a music widget and more. Users who look at Android widgets jealously will love this iPad jailbreak app.
Intelliscreen X looks amazing on the iPad, with many customizations to the Notification Center and lock screen.
IntelliscreenX is $10, but definitely worth it for users that want more out of the Notification Center and Lock Screen.
The app includes the ability to tie in an RSS reader, social networks like Facebook and Twitter and much more.
Activator a nearly infinite number of gestures and shortcuts to the iPad, making it easy to launch apps and more.
Activator allows users to set actions for a triple tap of the home button, a double tap on the status bar and more, so it’s easy to launch common apps.
Activator is a free jailbreak app for the iPad.
Dreamboard allows users to customize the look of the iPad in many ways. The Dreamboard iPad themes are available from a number of sources and offer a completely different look to the iPad.
From an OS X Lion theme to themes that make the iPad look like Android or just deliver an updated look there are plenty to go around.
Most themes still need updated to work with iOS 5.1.1, so it may be a few days or weeks until the best Dreamboard iPad themes are ready for the new iPad.
For less than a dollar Infinifolders allows users to add as many apps to the iPad folders as desired.
This is a great tweak for app addicts who love to organize apps in folders. Users who want more control over folders should check out FolderEnhancer for $3.
For $4 it’s easy to add a fully functioning file explorer, or Finder, to the iPad. This is a great app for applying tweaks to the new iPad and for accessing the file system.
iFile can open downloaded tweaks and themes for Dreamboard as well as access file and apps that can be sent to Dropbox and other sources.
Apple leaves many of the basic iPhone apps off the iPad, so pick up Belfry to add them back.
Belfry puts the Weather, Compass, Calculator, Clock, Stocks and Voice Memos apps back on the iPad. These apps are iPhone versions, but it’s still nice to have them on board without buying a third party app from iTunes.
f.lux is a free iPad jailbreak app that is perfect for anyone who reads or uses the iPad late at night. The default brightness and warmth of the iPad disply looks great, but it can delay falling asleep.
With f.lux, the iPad will automaticlaly change the look fo the display to a less harsh color. This will make apps and videos look odd at times, but if you want to prevent a glarring harsh blue light wakeup when tapping on the iPad after midnight it’s the best option.
More on f.lux.
Did we miss your favorite iPad jailbreak app? Let us know about the best iPad jailbreak apps and tweaks in the comments below.

05/29/2012 at 12:21 pm
Quasar is not free. It costs $9.99
Josh Smith
05/29/2012 at 1:15 pm
Thanks, Updating now.
Ary Cabral
06/01/2012 at 5:20 am
Belfry doesn’t work in new iPad???? My iOS is 5.1.1
Thanks Josh!
06/02/2012 at 6:01 pm
Belfry is actually really nice. It works perfectly on 5.0.1 but the 3 main apps (Clock, Weather, Stocks) including their notification center widgets are not (yet?) supported for iOS 5.1 and 5.1.1. It doesn’t matter whether you have the iPad, iPad 2 or the new iPad.
06/13/2012 at 10:49 pm
I liku jail berak
06/13/2012 at 10:50 pm
I like to jail break
06/13/2012 at 10:52 pm
Jail break
06/14/2012 at 10:09 am
To be honest, while these few apps might be usefull for customising fans the overall experience with jailbreaking my new iPad was meh. The apps that really matter are not supported (like SwirlySMS), the store is filled with an insane amount of themes and junk apps while the essentials like openJDK, JRE and GSM funtionality (Phone, SMS, MMS) either don’t exist or are not compaitable yet with the new iPad or iOS 5.1.1.
Perhaps I was expecting something totally different than what the purpose of jailbreaking is. Also note, I am not blaming the store, developers or jailbreaking in general for my dissapointment. It’s a new device and a new iOS update. I get that. But I have to make it clear that unless you absolutely can not live without widgets and colourful themes it is a waste of time at this stage. Perhaps in 6 months time things will look better. For now I’m hitting the Restore button.
06/21/2012 at 11:11 am
Mail Enhancer Pro
Springtomize 2
MyWi on Demand
Safari Download Manager (with iFile)
So many fantastic non-eye-candy reasons to jailbreak.
Akanaro: I’d really encourage you to check out some of the above. They are brilliant, solid Apps. All likely to be part of iOS 7 or 8… I have two friends working at Apple Inc. They tell me most Apple execs have jailbroken phones. The jailbreak community and its developers are driving innovation on iDevices.
I couldn’t possibly go back to a stock OS.
06/21/2012 at 11:17 am
Oh… And I forgot
Action Menus Plus
Manual Correct
Good news is that all of the above work perfectly on jailbroken iPhone 4s iOS 5.1.1
Get these apps and you’ll have a supercharged, functional ‘Swiss Army knife’ iPhone. :)
06/23/2012 at 12:13 am
I have had my ipod jailbroken for a long time now (its rather old firmwear too so MOST things are compatible)
I can honestly say that though I only have a few things I properly use, I can’t live without them. And I am sad to say that most of these apps dont support (or have an equivalent version) for the iPad. (I don’t count having to use the iPhone version as “support”) And a lot that do, don’t support 5.1.1
(I do like actually customizing the look and feel AS WELL as functionality.) I miss Boss Paper the most. But I can’t get into my picture folders.
jeff p
07/08/2012 at 11:06 am
belfry doesn’t install on 5.1.1 new ipad.
08/03/2012 at 8:00 am
Wanna jail Break your device go togreenpoison dot com and enjoy boys & girls!!!!!!!!!!
08/21/2012 at 12:01 am
hi im eric how can i get this app called jailberak for my ipad2 5.1.1 plz help
08/24/2012 at 3:55 pm
Go to google then search absinthe-2.0.4 and download your pc then lunch plug in your iPad and then you can see the jailbreak button just press the button that’s it.make sure don’t disconnect your device before the finished jailbreak just leave it couple minutes and then you can see successfully finished jailbreak.if you need more help then don’t hesitate to know me.thankz
08/25/2012 at 6:43 pm
Quasar is Free …
03/03/2013 at 9:43 am
Missed icon user. Locks any icon from a user on ur ipad with a special passcode.