BlackBerry Bold 9900 Already Sold Out at T-Mobile
Yesterday, the BlackBerry Bold 9900 officially went on sale on Today, the BlackBerry Bold 9900 is officially sold out at That’s right. The Magenta carrier’s first 4G enabled BlackBerry handset has sold out just 24 hours after the phone launched which must feel pretty good for both T-Mobile and RIM, especially since the phone costs a whopping $300 on-contract.
So, now that it is sold out at T-Mobile, you’ll probably want to check a retailer like Walmart while supplies last. Walmart actually was offering up the phone for quite a bit cheaper than T-Mobile last time I checked so if you’re in the market for this device, you might want to check there.
In any event, great news for RIM and its followers. Bad news for those of you that were hoping to get the phone through T-Mobile in a timely manner.
No word on when the phone will be back in stock, but when we find out, we’ll let you know.
Via: TMoNews

09/02/2011 at 1:46 am
Adam you’re an angel! I was one of those early takers who was online @ midnite when Tmo launched the BB9900 and after getting all the way through almost checkout, I realized they were going to charge me over $400 to upgrade. I was pist. I have been w/ TMo for over 10 years (when it was Voicestream) and I had never been charged to upgrade. All of a sudden they want to tack $18 for upgrade on top of $30+ of tax (I live in WA & it’s almost 10%) plus the “discounted” price of $349.99 (before $50 rebate) – it’s ludicrous. I was tempted to jump ship and go w/ Sprint who has the BB 9930 for cheaper.
Thanks to you I paid a little over $200 @ Wal-Mart! What a save. And I went back to TMo online and it looks like they dropped the price already, but it’s sold out (as you mentioned). Thanks a bunch for the money saving tip!!
09/03/2011 at 2:28 am
trust me u will lose a lot more money with sprint over their expensive service than u will with tmobile…sprint will charge u 80 dollars plus tax will amount to about 100 dollars a month…If u take the value plan with tmobile u will only pay 50 dollars a month which will include 500 mins, unlimited texting and 2 gb unlimited data plan…all u gotta do is put 350 down for phone right now to upgrade and pay an extra 15 a month for 20 months to finish paying off the phone and on top of the 50 with tax will be about 72 dollars…After u finish paying off the phone u will only pay 50 dollars a month plus tax…Do the math, lol
09/03/2011 at 2:30 am
plus they will give you a mail in rebate so minus from 350 will be 300 rounding it out and don’t forget tmobile has the 4G extra plus