Budget BlackBerry 10 Phone Surfaces in Purported Photo
A new photo on the BlackBerryOS forums gives vague details of what could be a budgetl BlackBerry 10 device that’s scheduled for release sometime this year.
The leaked image shows what could be an R-Series BlackBerry 10 device. The phone may also be known as the BlackBerry 10 Curve when it comes to market. Like the current BlackBerry Curve line, the leaked phone would be a low-end phone for users who can’t afford the BlackBerry Z10 or the upcoming BlackBerry Q10. Though it won’t cost less than $250 off contract.
The leaked R-Series phone looks like it’s made entirely of white plastic with a small, square screen and a QWERTY keyboard below it. The keyboard looks similar to those on some current Curve models. It has relatively large spaces between the keys, and it lacks the silver lines that separate the rows of keys in the Q10.
An earlier sketch of what could be the BlackBerry 10 Curve shows it may have external microSD and Micro SIM slots. That would mean that users won’t have to remove the battery in the phone to add more storage space or swap out a SIM card. Swapping SIM cards is important to emerging markets, though many phones in those markets use two SIM slots so they don’t have to physically swap cards.
Descriptions of the phone on The Verge say it will likely have a 1800 mAh battery and 8GB of internal storage. For some users that doesn’t seem like much, but users who want larger batteries and more storage space can likely pay for the more expensive Z10 or Q10.
The R-Series BlackBerry 10 Curve may come out sometime this year, but likely not in the immediate future. BlackBerry still has to release the BlackBerry Q10 it announced back in January. That phone may not come out until May or later. The BlackBerry 10 Curve may come to market sometime after the Q10 finally reaches users.