Classmate PC shipping out this month
The latest Classmate PC has popped up at as their Kids Classmate Tablet PC – ah, let me write that again: Tablet PC – and they’re listing it as backordered until the end of the month.
The Kids Classmate Tablet PC offers a little flexibility in the options with 30-40GB SSD instead of the standard 160GB HDD, and up to 2GB memory, but the Intel Atom N450 1.66GHz processor is fixed, as is the 10.1″ 1024×600 convertible touchscreen. Starting price is $649.
Interested in learning more about the Classmate? There’s an InkShow for that. Handy little netbook tablet for the kids (and for some adults too).
05/14/2010 at 2:41 pm
For me the 600 vertical resolution is a non-starter. Even the iPad has a greater vertical resolution.