Describe your technology set up
Assuming that most of you have some type of computer, describe your set up. To help get you started, consider these questions: What kind of tablet pc / laptop do you have? Do you use multiple monitors? If you have a tablet pc, is it your primary computer? Are you finding a Tablet PC is best implemented as a companion device or as a primary computer, or both? Do you use a PDA / PDA Phone? Do you work in multiple locations and what kind of software do you use to faciliate your changing environments? What do you find challenging about your current setup and how could it be improved? What do you need that isn’t out there yet?
We’d really love to hear from our readers on these issues. I believe the more we share about what is / isn’t working in our experiences, we can help to bring about the necessary changes in technology and hardware to facilitate the best mobile experience possible. Lots of folks from Microsoft, OEMs, and ISVs read our site. The folks that need to hear about stuff like this will read what you have to say, and hopefully impact how the next versions of software are implemented and hardware is rolled out.
BTW: look for a new article on our Life With Ink series next Friday. Our contributor will offer a very unique view into his Life With Ink.