Digital Trends: Sony Vaio UX50 Trumps Microsoft’s UMPC
Some strong statements from Digital Trends in their review of the Sony Vaio UX-50, (a 9 out of 10 rating.)
“The Sony VAIO UX50 trumps the Microsoft Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC) initiative before it even gets off the ground. Not content to just run with the crowd, Sony reminds us all that they were doing UMPC since before UMPC was even an acronym in Intel’s techy little dreams.”
This is a very in-depth review, well illustrated with some mouth-watering pictures, and contains some fascinating benchmarks. IMHO the reviewer makes some pretty astute comments that any OEM in the mobile market should at least pay attention to.
Digital Trends Full Review of Sony Vaio UX-50
Hat tip to Kevin Tofel of jkOnTheRun