eBay Releases iPad 2 Sales Figures
Ahead of Apple’s announcement regarding its iPad 2 sales figures, eBay has released its statistics (via CNET) that showcase two weeks of iPad 2 sales on its website.
Over the past two weeks, the website has moved almost 12,000 iPad 2’s with 65 percent of its sales coming from the United States as opposed to the 35 percent that bought the original iPad from the site back in 2010.
eBay’s chart reveals some other interesting information as well. The most popular device has been the 16GB Wi-Fi only iPad 2 which has accounted for 30% of total sales followed by the 64GB 3G model which checks in with 23% of sales.
In third place comes the 32GB Wi-Fi only model with 17% of sales and bringing up the rear are the 16GB and 32GB 3G models which account for 7 and 9 percent.
As far as who is buying, besides the United States, Canada and Russia represent the two biggest exporters and are followed by Hong Kong, Japan and folks in the United Kingdom.
While these certainly aren’t as exciting as the official figures from Apple, they definitely provide pretty good insight as to what we might expect when Cupertino gets around to letting us know just how good iPad 2 sales are worldwide.
Web Hosting Review
04/01/2011 at 10:06 am
great figures it shows how ipad2 had got importance