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Electrovaya SC-3100 Review



Scribbler3100_map_smallThis is really interesting review of the Electrovaya SC-3100 Tablet PC by Pen Computing Magazine. Here’s a snippet from the conclusion:

Overall, the SC-3100 is a truly excellent product. You have to hold it in your hands to fully appreciate just how slender and well-made it is. It exudes quality in a way that many other tablets do not. There is no flex whatsoever, and nothing looks chintzy or designed as an afterthought. The increased power and performance are very noticeable, and make the Scribbler suitable for any application (with a small price to pay in extra heat dissipation).

The piece de resistance, of course, is the extra-long battery life provided by Electrovaya’s SuperPolymer battery. Electrovaya claims up to nine hours, and the company is now offering a 92 watt-hour battery of the same size, further distancing itself from the competition.

While the reviewer doesn’t quite seem completely up to speed on Tablet PCs, the review is well worth checking out if you’re interested in the Electrovaya Tablet PCs.

Hat Tip to Sumocat



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