English Standard Version for OneNote 2007 now available
I am pleased to announce the availability of the English Standard Version Bible for OneNote 2007 via This version for OneNote 2007 is formatted with wide margins and double spacing, especially tailored to Tablet PC users for ink notetaking. In addition, each book in the Bible is a seperate OneNote section, with each chapter in the book belonging to a page within that section. Using the built-in functioanlity of OneNote 2007, you can insert your own ink notes, view the Bible text and notes in full screen mode, search your ink and text notes, sync your Bible notes between multiple computers, record the audio of sermons and play it back in time with your notes (with permission of course !), and insert additional pages – all right within your ESV Bible for OneNote 2007.
You can download the ESV OneNote package here for free. After downloading, double click on the onepkg file and it will automatically convert into a OneNote 2007 Notebook. Please allow OneNote several hours to index the text prior to doing any text searches. OneNote 2007 is required.
Please consider donating to this effort to help offset licensing fees, hosting fees, and the time it takes to compile these texts and keep them current. Thank you!
I am currently working on converting over all the other Bibles and books that are currently only supported with GoBinder / Plan Plus for Windows. It is taking a lot of time, but I hope to have it all completed by the end of the year.
The availability of the ESV is through a special licensing arrangement with Good News Publishers and Zoe Technologies, Inc.