New iPod Touch Now Shipping
The new iPod Touch with a 4-inch display is shipping to some buyers, and select Apple Stores now offer the iPod Touch for sale
According to GigaOm Apple is finally shipping the new iPod touch to users who pre-ordered the device last month. When Apple debuted the device it had an estimated shipping date of October which gave the company a rather large window in which to ship it. Now it looks like the first wave of shipments will arrive from China by October 15.
The Apple website still says the iPod touch will ship in October, so Apple isn’t ready to commit to a timeframe for shipping any new orders. We expect that estimate will change in the next few weeks.
There are also a few reports of the new iPod touch appearing in stores. Engadget‘s Richard Lai posted an image to Twitter of the iPod touch in an Apple Store. Lai lives in Hong Kong, so it might still be a few days before the iPod touch starts appearing in U.S. stores.
The new iPod touch uses the same screen as the new iPhone 5 which could explain why it took so long to reach the market. Apple can’t keep the iPhone 5 in stock, and its website says there’s a 3-4 week wait for new units. With constraints on the iPhone 5 it might be difficult for Apple to get ahold of enough displays for the new iPod touch.
Apple is positioning the iPod touch as a portable game system as well as an easy to carry camera. The device comes with an iPod loop that attaches to the back of the device and acts as a wrist strap, like the strap found on many point-and-shoot cameras.