Gamers Club Unlocked Deal To Bring Big Savings For Less
Best Buy shoppers can expect huge savings on games and more when Best Buy slashes the price of its Gamers Club Unlocked subscription service soon.
Cheap Ass Gamer is citing sources who indicate that Best Buy will slash the subscription fee for its Gamers Club Unlocked service for one week only beginning this upcoming Sunday, October 26th. As Gamers Club Unlocked is the service that lets Best Buy shoppers get deep discounts on both new and used titles, this could be huge for holiday shoppers.
Gamers Club Unlocked lets users earn points for purchases they make at Best Buy stores. Everything from purchasing new games and accessories to an entirely new console earns points. Buyers then use those points for Best Buy gift cards. A subscription to the service also means a 10% boost in trade-in value for used games. The kicker, and the reason Gamers Club Unlocked is really important, is because for those two years Best Buy slashes the price of every new game purchase by 20%.
New releases cost $60, leaving users with just $48 in costs after a Gamers Club Unlocked subscription has been used. That’s $12 in savings on each game.
A subscription to Gamers Club Unlocked normally costs $119.99 for two-years, but with the purchase of a game valued at $39.99 or more Best Buy is slashing the price to $30. Normally it would take 9 new video game purchases within that two-year life span to get a Gamers Club Unlocked subscription worth it. That’s a pretty high number, but with this deal purchasing just three new releases at $60 allows buyers to break even.
Besides needing to purchase a new game to get the Gamers Club Unlocked discount, there’s another catch. It’ll only be available to users who purchase games at Best Buy stores not online.
After that, users are just keeping extra money in their pocket. All of this is before users take advantage on the Buy Two Used & Get One Free coupon that Gamers Club Unlocked subscribers get when they first sign up or the constant 50% off on video game strategy guide perks.
According to the leak users can expect $5 off the season pass subscription for upcoming Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive and $8 a 3 month subscription to Microsoft’s Xbox Live Gold gaming service. The Xbox One’s wireless controller will be $10 off too. All of these discounts depend on users also purchasing a copy of Sunset Overdrive or the Sunset Overdrive Xbox One bundle that Microsoft announced around a month ago. The game itself costs $60 while the bundle, which includes the game, runs $399.99.
Read: White Xbox One, Sunset Overdrive Bundle Leaks
Spending more money in the hopes of saving more money later might sound strange, but that’s exactly what Best Buy is hoping users will appreciate with Gamers Club Unlocked. Just like physical software sales for PCs and Macs, video games have gone digital in a big way with the Xbox One and PS4 release. Today, users don’t have to head out to a store to purchase new games, they’re available digitally at midnight. That’s bad for Best Buy, who uses new game releases as a way to lure users into its store to purchase consoles and – more importantly – accessories that they can make money on.
Gamers Club Unlocked is a way of building customer loyalty and ensuring that no matter what happens gamers will chose to buy a physical copy and not make new purchases directly from their Xbox One or PS4. After all, chances are that if you’re fine with investing $119 in a subscription service you’re going to want to use it every chance you can.
Sunset Overdrive launches on October 28th in the United States.