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GBM Poll: What Are Your Portable Computing Device Priorities?



Every user is different and each mobile device offers different options and possibilities. We say it all the time, but choosing a mobile device, like a Tablet PC or UMPC, is a very personal choice. My must have, may be a throw away feature to you.

Apple’s MacBook Air has stirred up quite a bit of debate on what users want and need on a small portable computer, with some saying the options on the Air are too limited, and others saying they are just fine. I’m sure we’ll hear more about that in the weeks to come as real users start getting their hands on the device. (The mass media reviews all seemed relatively consistent.) In an industry that plays follow the leader quite a bit, how the MacBook Air fares in the long run will impact the future of portable computing, so one way or another, how users respond (or don’t) will be watched closely.

So, while we are waiting, let’s do some polling. I mean it is an election year after all here in the US.

What are your portable device priorities? I’ve listed what I consider the biggest priority areas. In the comments rank them highest priority to lowest from your point of view. Feel free to add other priorities as well, if you have them. Feel free to expand on your thoughts as well.

Here’s the list in no particular order or priority:

  • Battery Life
  • Ports & Expandibility
  • Weight/Size
  • Connectivity
  • Processing Power
  • Internal Optical Drive
  • User Upgradeable Options (battery, memory, HD, etc…)
  • Price



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