Getting the most from a Tablet PC
Daniel Huss, of Associated Content, has written a great article for folks interested in buying their first Tablet PC. He covers the different types of Tablet PCs, software to trial, who could benefit from using a Tablet PC, and online resources.
It is a very good read for those of you in the market for your first Tablet PC.
In the world of portable computing, Tablet PCs aren’t as widely used as they could be. Dominated by primarily laptops, tablets are seen as more of the expensive brother of the laptop mainly because of the special screen that laptops use to enable use of the pen. Besides the obvious “wow” factor for being able to write on the screen, which normally will throw people off if they are not expecting it. All types of people can get plenty of use out of a tablet PC besides the obvious business professionals. When shopping for a portable computer, There are a number of factors to consider when thinking about when purchasing a tablet PC, and each of these factors will dictate what kind portable you buy.
…Now, who can find a use for a tablet PC to warrant the extra cost? Anyone can find something to do with a tablet PC but the question is if the uses you find for it are worth the extra money. Tablet PCs tend to be advertised to students and business professionals and generally speaking they can find the most uses for them. Using a program called OneNote from Microsoft, you can take notes in meetings or during class in your own handwriting, sort the notes like you want to, and search all your notes even in your own handwriting. You can even record dictation right in OneNote to play back later. Now all of this has an obvious use to students and business people who can take notes for classes or meetings, mark to-do items, record lectures, and keep track of personal lives all in one place.
Hat tip to our regular anonymous news tipper!

Zeke Krahlin
07/16/2014 at 9:27 pm
I have two android tablets at a great price, one a 7-inch for just $53:
the other a 10.1-inch for only $179.
They both work great (snappy and robust). Both a real bang for the buck, running Android 4.2.2, with the keyboard “swype” feature that is a tremendous blessing for those of us with RSI, including carpal tunnel syndrome.
I strongly recommend either tablet for you online activities, especially when away from home.
Zeke Krahlin
07/16/2014 at 9:29 pm
The URL to the 10.1-inch tablet is:
Don’t know why the link didn’t show up on my original post, but there ya go! It’s a quadcore CPU.