Got $3k to Burn? Become an Expert at Jailbreaking iPhones with i0n1c
If you have $3,000, the ability to fly to Singapore and a desire to learn about jailbreaking from one of the most outspoken members of the jailbreak community you can sign up for a weekend of iOS security and exploits in sunny Singapore.
Recently Stefan Esser, known as @i0n1c to jailbreak users, gained quite a bit of attention for calling out the evad3rs jailbreak team and the evasi0n jailbreak tool in a series of back and forth Tweets.
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In April Esser is teaching an Introduction to iOS Security and Exploitation class at Syscan ’13 Singapore, where you can learn about the security measures used in iOS and how to exploit them, presumably for fun and profit.
According to the class outline and syllabus attendees will gain an introduction to the iOS 6.1 security measures and learn how to setup a build, test, debug and exploitation environment. Esser will also share, “secrets that are known inside the jailbreaking community but not much outside of it.”
For the rest of the class users will practice on exploitation of a real demo and real vulnerabilities in iOS applications. Don’t go looking for a kernel zero day though.
In late January Esser teased that the class may dissect the iOS 6.1 jailbreak used by evasi0n and work on their own exploits.
Now that there will be a public iOS 6.1 JB we will most probably dissect it and maybe do own exploits during class.
— Stefan Esser (@i0n1c) January 31, 2013
The class requires an Apple A4 device running iOS 6.1, so it’s not clear if you’ll get a full iPhone 5 jailbreak dissection or not.
SyScan ’13 takes place on April 22nd in Singapore with classes starting at S$3,000 for early bird sign ups and S$4,000 after March first, or about $2,400 to $3,200 USD.
Stefan Esser is best known for his work on the untethered iOS 4.2 jailbreak and his contributions to the iOS Hackers Handbook. Esser did not work with the current evad3rs jailbreak team on the evasi0n iOS 6.1 jailbreak tool, though Esser claims the evad3rs jailbreak was made possible in part due to a bug he published.