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Gotta brag on the team …



Rob and I both agreed that we just had to post this stuff.

image Warner Crocker – One year on GBM!

One year ago today (or close to it anyway), Rob and I officially added the 3rd team member to, and he has been entertaining us all ever since.  I am speaking of none other than the infamous Warner Crocker.  If you follow this site at all you certainly can appreciate the antics and intelligence of this guy, and Rob and I are still most tickled to have him around.  Congrats on surviving (err.., I mean celebrating) one year as a GBM teamie Warner!  Hope there are lots more years to come!  If you have every appreciated Warner’s hard work and dedication to the things we cover, send him a comment and let him know.

image Eddie VanDerbeck – Congrats on achieving Microsoft Certifications!

Item number two on our bragging list today, is the fact that Eddie VanDerbeck (also know as “Professor How-To” ), just this past week completed all the testing to earn his Microsoft MCP, MCSA, and MCSE certifications.  I know how hard all those tests are, and how brain fried he feels.  Great job Eddie, and we now expect you to help educate all GBM readers on all the ins and out of Microsoft software.  All readers feel free to ask Eddie any and all questions you everu have had on a Microsoft product.  Hurry before he forgets it all though!

Congratulations to both these guys on their milestones.

Building a good team is always a difficult task.  Building a team who will stay committed, be all a part of the whole instead of individual talent is an even harder task.  Rob and I are thankful that we have all that and more with the team at  It is good to be a part of Team GBM these days. We love all our guys including Matt and Hugo.  GO team GBM!

Be sure and pass on your congrats and well wishes to these guys, both of whom have made valuable team contributions, and we hope will continue to do so for a long time.

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