GottaBeMobile July InkShow Roundup
July was a big month for InkShows here at We covered a range of topics, including some new Tablet PC Software, and even had a topical interview or two. And of course, July was the month that we welcomed the support of our InkShow Sponsor, TechSmith Corporation. In case you missed any of the InkShow action this past month, here’s a rundown of who and what we covered. Enjoy!
Hardware InkShows
Toshiba M400 Tablet PC Review Dennis Rice reviews Toshiba’s latest Tablet PC.
Software InkShows
Mapping Your Mind-Again! Dennis Rice takes a look at MindJet’s MindManager
BlueBeam Revu for the Tablet PC Rob Bushway uncovers a new pdf annotation tool for the Tablet PC
Tablet Enhancements for Outlook 3.0 Warner Crocker walks through Tablet Enhancements for Outlook 3.0
Vista and Tablet PCs-A Pen Flick Inkshow Rob Bushway explores Pen Flicks in Microsoft Vista.
Accessory and Gadget InkShows
BlueParrot Bluetooth Headset Rob Bushway reviews the BlueParrot headset.
Audio InkShows
Talking Tablet PCs with Eric Rice Warner Crocker talks with podcasting guru, Mac lover, and Tablet PC user Eric Rice.
GBM Exclusive Interview with TEO 3.0 Developer Josh Einstein Warner Crocker and Josh Einstein talk about this must have Tablet PC app on the eve of its release.
InkShow Announcments
Get ready for more InkShows coming your way this month at Leave a comment if there’s something you want to see or hear about in the Tabletscape.
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