How to Delete Your Moto X Browser History
These days privacy is a top priority for many smartphone users, especially when we use our devices for just about everything. Devices like the new Moto X Pure Edition are pretty secure with lockscreen passwords and other devices have fingerprint scanners, but that isn’t enough for everyone. Owners of the new Moto X that would like to learn how to delete or remove the browser history, we have you covered.
Browser history or form data is one of multiple privacy issues owners need to be aware of. There are many different reasons a user may want to delete their internet browser or search history on a smartphone, and we’re sure you have your reasons. Below is a guide covering how easy this is on the Moto X.
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Like many recent smartphones, Google Chrome is the only browser on this phone, so things are very easy and the same as many other phones. Unlike Samsung who offers their own browser called the “Internet” app, the Moto X just uses Google Chrome, and it’s really easy to be more secure and private while browsing the web. Lets get started.
When a user is logged into a Gmail account, which everyone is in order to truly use an Android smartphone, it saves everything you search, including the browser history. This is what we’ll be targeting here today. It only takes a moment, and you can even clear certain searches, rather than everything, so it doesn’t look like a user is hiding their tracks.
Removing your browser history and search history are two different things, and we’re focusing on the browser history here today. This could be so your kids or significant other can’t see what you bought for their birthday or Christmas, general privacy concerns, or for other reasons. Everyone has their reasons.
With Google Chrome this is actually very easy and only a few taps away. Since it’s the only browser on the phone, this is all we need to talk about.
To start just open Google Chrome. This is the web browser. Once open look up and tap the three dots “Menu button” at the top right. This brings up a popup menu, where you’ll scroll down and select “History”.
As you can see in the image below you now have access to a list of all the website you’ve visited on the Chrome Browser. Next up users simply need to tap the “clear browser data” button at the bottom, and then select which information they’d like to remove, as shown below.
You’ll get a similar option of check-boxes as shown above, and you can control what you delete forever, and what stays. Another great benefit of Google Chrome is you can remove individual site visits, instead of all or nothing, so it doesn’t appear that you’re hiding your tracks. Just hit the x to clear each individual search you’d like removed, or everything.
Users will want to be careful not to clear “Auto-fill data” as this is where email addresses or passwords that you’ve let Chrome remember are saved. Meaning you’ll have to re-sign into everything.
Incognito Mode
To prevent any of this from ever being an issue from the start, users can use what’s called Incognito Mode. When you’re in the browser hit menu and open an Incognito tab. This makes it so Google Chrome won’t remember or save any history, passwords, login, or track what you do. This is your best bet, and something many users should consider if privacy is a concern.
There are multiple browsers on the Google Play Store that do this by default and will never remember any of your data or information. Dolphin Zero is a good one, or Opera Browser has a browser-wide privacy mode you can enable. Personally I stick to Google Chrome, but everyone likes something different, and there are plenty to choose from on Android in the Google Play Store.
What we do on our smartphones is our own business, so make sure to take some of the steps mentioned above to prevent it from being saved, or seen by others. That’s all users need to know about deleting browser history, or stop it from being saved to begin with.