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How to Listen to Taylor Swift on Spotify



You can still listen to Taylor Swift on Spotify, keeping your favorite songs from 1989 on your Spotify playlists so you can Shake it Off and find a Blank Space in your playlists. We’ll show you how to add Taylor Swift to your Spotify app and playlists.

Taylor Swift made news when she pulled her music from Spotify this month, leaving millions of fans without 1989 on their Spotify playlists.

You can still find Taylor Swift on Spotify, but you’re limited to a handful of songs from movie soundtracks, instead of the songs you really want to listen to.

Here’s a quick guide to add Taylor Swift to Spotify on the iPhone and iPad. If you own an Android smartphone you can use the same method, but you’ll want to buy the album from someplace other than iTunes.

Here's how you can still listen to Taylor Swift on Spotify.

Here’s how you can still listen to Taylor Swift on Spotify.

Yes, that’s the catch. You can listen to Taylor Swift on Spotify, but you need to buy her album and import it into Spotify using the Spotify app for your computer and the app on your iPhone or Android.

Why would you want to do this instead of just listening in iTunes? If you are a big Spotify user, you probably have a lot of great playlists built up, and many you want to include Taylor Swift’s Blank Space or Shake it Off on.

How to Listen to Taylor Swift on Spotify & Add to Playlists

The first thing you’ll need is a copy of the Taylor Swift 1989 album or just the songs you want. For this guide we bought Blank Space from iTunes, but you can buy or download from any service for use here, as long as it is not locked down with DRM.

You’ll need your computer, your iPhone or Android and a WiFi network. You can’t do this with a cable and you need to download the songs or the album for this to work. You’ll also need the Spotify app on your iPhone or iPad.

Add Taylor Swift to Spotify using this method.

Add Taylor Swift to Spotify using this method.

Open Spotify on your computer and click on Local files on the left side. This is under the Your Music area. Make sure you see Taylor Swift here. When we downloaded Blank Space from iTunes it showed up in this areas immediately.

Add Taylor Swift to a Spotify playlist.

Add Taylor Swift to a Spotify playlist.

Make a Playlist in Spotify and add Taylor Swift to it from the local Music option. The easiest way is to click on the song and drag it to the playlist you want it on. You need to add this to one playlist to get it on to your iPhone or Android. Once it is on your iPhone you can add it to other playlists. This is just the initial step to move the music from your computer to the iPhone.

Make sure your computer and your iPhone or Android are connected to the same WiFi network and you should see the iPhone listed in the left under Devices.

Click on iPhone or the device name. If it doesn’t show up, make sure Spotify is open on your device and that you only have the desktop Spotify app open on one computer. During our trials the iPhone connected to Spotify on another desktop in the house, causing much confusion.

Sync Taylor Swift to Spotify.

Sync Taylor Swift to Spotify.

The next step is to click the check mark on the playlist you want to sync. We chose this option with Manually choose playlists to sync, so we didn’t fill up iPhone storage with songs we don’t want.

In a minute or so the sync should complete and you will see a green corner banner with a down arrow on the playlist. This means the sync is complete.

Now you can open the playlist on your iPhone and play Taylor Swift on Spotify. You can now add these songs to any other Spotify playlist you want. You should still see the album art, but occasionally the large thumbnail did not appear in our tests.

This isn’t as nice as if you could listen to Taylor Swift on Spotify without buying the album, but it’s the only way you can do this right now.



  1. Nab

    08/03/2015 at 10:45 pm

    or you can just search the song title in Spotify. I don’t know why but it’s working for now.

  2. Sam

    03/24/2016 at 3:48 pm

    It says iPhone (premium only) when I try to sync!!!

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