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How to Remove Red Eye on iPhone Photos



Here is a guide on how to remove red eye on your iPhone photos to save a bad picture.

When we take photos with the flash, we occasionally catch a subjects’ eyes glowing red in the darkness. This can often ruin a perfectly good family photo and may often make you want to take another.

Fortunately for pictures taken on your iPhone that fall victim to the red-eye flash epidemic, there is a solution available directly on your iPhone within the Photos app.

How to Remove Red Eye on iPhone Photos

Here are the steps to take in order to remove pesky red eye from your Photos.

Watch the above video to learn how to remove red eye from photos.

Removing Red Eye from Photos

When we use the flash, the iPhone camera provides a very ample light with its true tone LED flash and will illuminate the environment for your shot. However there are times when an individual is facing a certain direction and we get a red eye effect on their eyes.

Red Eye

When we open our Photos app, we are able to edit each individual photo by tapping the Edit icons which is represented by the three sliders.

Tapping this will open the Edit environment for the photo and you can make further adjustments from there.

In addition to cropping, changing brightness and different filters, you will see an icon with an Eye and a slash through it in the top left corner. This is the Red Eye Correction Tool and can be used to clean up red eyes that we get with photos with flash used.


Tapping each eye individually will allow you to darken the areas, hopefully correcting the color to be a little more similar to its real life counterpart. The tool is fairly effective especially on small areas yet may look somewhat strange on a very high-res or close shot. It is best utilized in group photos when everyone is smaller in frame and the red eye adjustments will blend better.


The red eye tool essentially darkens the areas that previously were red and often can fix a photo that previously was marred by red eyes. The iPhone photos app is a very versatile little photo editor just like its Mac counterpart and can be used to get your iPhone shots looking the way you want them.

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