How to UnJailbreak iOS 6.1: iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch
Now that the evasi0n iOS 6.1 jailbreak is out, we’ve already heard from readers asking how to unjailbreak their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
There is no unjailbreak evasi0n tool, but that’s ok because all you need is your iOS device and a computer running iTunes.
Unjailbreaking iOS 6.1 may take longer than the actual jailbreak process because it requires a full backup and restore, a step some users skipped on the initial jailbreak process.
We recommend unjailbreaking the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch before taking it in to Apple for repair or for help at a genius bar, as Apple can refuse a warranty because of a jailbreak.
How to UnJailbreak IOS 6.1 – Evasi0n Jailbreak
It’s important to make sure you have a current backup, otherwise you may be missing apps and data on the iPhone or iPad. It is possible to backup while jailbroken and then restore that backup to a non-jailbroken iPhone or iPad.
1. Plug the iPhone into your computer and perform a backup in iTunes.
2. To do this, click on the iPhone tab in the upper right. On this screen click on Back Up Now. Do this even if you back up the iPhone to iCloud as a local restore is a better option here.
3. After the backup is complete look for the Restore iPhone option on the same screen. This will restore the iPhone to factory settings.
4. When prompted choose to restore from a backup, and follow the instructions to restore the backup you just made to the iPhone or iPad.
5. Sync the iPhone or iPad with the computer to complete the restore and install the apps and music from before the restore.
That’s all there is to unjailbreaking an iOS 6.1 device like the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. It is now OK to take it in to Apple for service or to use the device in stock configuration.
Stay tuned for the latest iOS 6.1 jailbreak news.

02/05/2013 at 10:12 am
thats doesnt work?
03/20/2013 at 7:21 pm
it works for me
i have done it several times
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Victoria C
02/06/2013 at 5:41 pm
I have one problem with doing this when i press restore a mandatory software (security) update pops up. If I go through with it will it notify Apple and void my warranty?
03/03/2013 at 7:26 pm
I done exactly the steps shown above and when I looked at my iPad it still had “Winterboard” “Cydia” and all that. How do I get those off?
03/13/2013 at 6:28 pm
delete the apps
03/17/2013 at 4:35 pm
I have followed these steps yet after itunes “Extracts” the softwear. it informas me that it can not be completed (error 21). what am i doing wrong?
03/26/2013 at 12:32 am
Also having problems, getting the 3194 error. even after editing the host files.. Any help?
04/12/2013 at 4:01 pm
will restoring it to factory settings delete the music i didnt purchase from itunes?
07/05/2013 at 1:22 am
Evasi0n doesn’t allow you to restore or update, even while plugged in. I’ve tried it all, and I’m guessing the author of this post has not tried to unjailbreak an iPhone setup with evasi0n to the latest firmware. It gives an error in iTunes like the server won’t respond.
If anyone has a real solution, please post it hear. I’ve already tried the following:
1. Download a previous firmware. Press home and sleep for 10 secs, then hold home for 5. Then shift and right click restore to select firmware file
2. Upgrade to the most recent version.
3. Restore to factory settings.
4. NOTHING WORKS. Any help greatly appreciated.
07/21/2013 at 2:49 am
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08/23/2013 at 12:04 am
You guys wont believe this but I just got a free iTunes Card Code and it was legit! Awesomeness!!!! Got it at freeitunesforever→ com
09/26/2013 at 6:06 am
Listen! I know you guys wont believe this but this site just gave me a iTunes Card Code and it was legit! If you want one go to freeitunesforever► com
01/01/2014 at 6:54 am
It gives me no options to sync, or back up. My iPod Touch also doesn’t show up top.
03/07/2014 at 3:17 am
My ipad says my ipad got an error called 3004