How to Use the LG G3 as a Remote Control
Just like the LG G2 last year and a few phones from other manufacturers, the all new LG G3 is packed full of features. One of which is using your new smartphone as a remote control. The LG G3 is extremely powerful and can do a lot of things, and here we’ll show you how to set it up to control your entire TV and living room experience.
The new LG G3 has tons of extremely impressive specs and features, like the 13 megapixel laser auto-focus camera, but taking great photos isn’t all it can do. If you want to control your TV they’ve enabled a few easy ways for you to do so.
Read: How to Take a Screenshot on the LG G3
Like most traditional TV remotes, there is an IR blaster on the top of the LG G3 for sending all the signals. This will let you control your HDTV, cable box and other home theater equipment with ease. The included app works wonderfully, rather than a 3rd party download like Samsung’s offering, so lets check it out.
The LG G2 and a few of LG’s other recent smartphones and tablets all have this feature, but it’s getting better and better with each update. Not only can you setup your LG G3 as a remote, but you can make custom options for each room based on the equipment you have, as well as a quick access panel right in the notification pulldown bar to always have it at your disposal while you’re lounging on the couch.
It’s extremely easy to setup and use, so read on for a few simply instructions, screenshots, and our how to video below.
In order to use your LG G3 as a remote control you’ll want to start by opening the built-in “Quick Remote” app, which is likely on the 3rd page of apps unless you’ve downloaded a lot of content. We’ll show you everything below.
Go to Apps -> Quick Remote -> Pick a room -> Tap on + -> Add a remote control. From here you’ll see the same as we’re showing below, which lets you choose between a TV, Cable Box, Audio equipment (like my Mcintosh receiver) or even a universal remote option. Set which room you’d like to use, and get started.
The app will then let you choose the TV brand of choice, or let you search if you have some off-brand like Insignia. Then once you’ve selected your TV of choice it will start with powering on the device. You’ll get on-screen instructions for everything, and it will cycle through codes until one works. Not all TV’s use the same code. Then you’ll do the same thing for mute, and possibly for input selection, and you’re done. Once you are all finished you’re set, and can control your TV with ease.
The same steps can be followed for your Cable Box from DirecTV, Cox, or Comcast, or anyone else for that matter. Without trying to explain it all too much, just give our quick how to video below a watch and you’ll be up and running in no time.
One of our favorite features from the LG G2 carried over to the LG G3, and was copied by Samsung with the Galaxy S5 and the Peel remote, and this is adding a quick access to the remote right in the notification bar. As shown in the video above pull down the notification bar and hit the “Quick Remote” circle in the sea of icons, and you’ll have an easy way to access your remote with a single swipe.
Read: 51 LG G3 Tips & Tricks (Must Read)
This may not be available on default so pull down the notification bar and where WiFi, Bluetooth, and other options are, slide to the far right. Select Edit, scroll down and make sure Quick Remote is checked. Then slide it to the area you’d like. I have mine as #3 on the list so it’s always one tap away.
That’s it. You’re all set. This is an awesome way to make sure you are always in control of the TV, even when someone else loses the remote. We’ve all been there, and LG is here to the rescue.

Rasmus Jakobsen
08/29/2014 at 8:07 am
Have you had any experience regarding the Universal remote and using it through the notification bar?
I just made 2 remote; 1 for my Panasonic TV (works out of the box), and then 1 universal remote to cover my NAD surround receiver (the standard NAD audio remote did not cover my need).
But w/e I do I can’t to select my Universal remote for the Quick Remote notification bar, it can only be accessed by opening the Quick Remote app.
Any suggestions will be appreciated :)
Best regards,
08/29/2014 at 9:36 am
How do I use guide when using a top box remote
10/09/2014 at 11:32 am
I have an old Olevia LCD TV, and the remote does not know the proper codes. Is there a way the G3 remote can learn the remote codes?
Rasmus Jakobsen
10/09/2014 at 11:45 am
It says how to, in your manual. Make a new control (custom), select the button you want to learn, and follow the instructions on the screen.
10/11/2014 at 11:42 am
I would also like to know how to use the ‘guide’ button using the set top box.
I tried using ‘learn remote’ to program a button. It has you point the original remote and hold button for 2 secs, but it just sits there with the only option to choose which is ‘cancel’. After which, i cancel and try going back to remote and its greyedbout and i cannot use that button.
Any ideas?
11/21/2014 at 11:20 am
Unfortunately LG G3 doesn’t have Universal Remote option. Can someone Export the app and upload somewhere?
Btw. I’ve TV, BlueRay, DVD options. So, cable box and Audio are also missing.
Rasmus Jakobsen
11/22/2014 at 4:31 am
It does have a Universal Remote option, I’ve used it myself.
Marius Visser
06/25/2015 at 12:44 am
My LG G3 Beat Also does not have the Universal Remote option available.
Is there a way to reinstall this app?
chris b.
04/07/2015 at 8:01 pm
So I have a tv in my living room, bedroom and 2 at work that I have programmed and have just found out that although they are different brands 3 of the TV’s can be powered on and off without switching remotes.. The other TVs use the same IR code apparently as the vizio. I thought it was weird cool. The other thing is That If you cannot by default set up a unit, if you have the original remote for the unit you can use That to program your Qremote. I did this for a BlueRay player in my work’s lounge.
06/17/2015 at 1:36 pm
Not surprising. Vizio and LG use the same remote codes along with any other off brands that either of these manufacturers may have made.
chris roberts
05/13/2015 at 1:46 pm
I can’t set up the DVD on my g3 it only has the option for audio and the tv and a cable box how do I set it for the DVD plAyer
Marc Vogel
07/13/2015 at 2:53 am
I use the remote app on my new G4 and found out an ever better way to use. First of all. Start thinking in “activities”. Choose the option “universal remote”. Name it, e.g. “watch TV” and than add all necessary buttons. In my case on/off for my surround receiver, tv and sat receiver. Next comes Vol up/down, Channel up/down and Channel 1-10 and a few others I found useful, e.g. choose input sound and input picture. Now I took from several remotes the signal, e.g. Vol up/down from the surround receiver remote and Channle up/down from the sat receiver remote and so on.
Other Activities I installed are “watch BR” and “Listen Music” and installed with the same method as described above the necessary buttons and voila. Whats the effort? You don´t have to switch all the time from one device to the other.
@Cory Gunther: Maybe you could add this, I think, useful idea to a new article. Feel free to corect it, rwrite it, as far as the idea is understandable ;-)
07/20/2015 at 9:13 am
I have an insignia tv and I am wondering if it could be connected to my quick remote? I tried searching for the brand name but didn’t get any results.
Cory Gunther
07/20/2015 at 9:30 am
Click not listed… there should be more options
07/20/2015 at 9:54 am
It doesn’t give me that option either. It doesn’t even have an audio or universal option just tv and cable box
08/28/2015 at 3:02 am
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08/28/2015 at 7:27 pm
I used it for a week. Then it doesn’t work. Tried to remove it and reset again. Now it can’t find the TV. Any solutions?
09/11/2015 at 6:51 pm
How do I use it for a DVD? It doesn’t give me an option..or I just don’t know which one to use. It has one for remote and one for projector. I have the LG G3
Anthony Michael Smith
10/09/2015 at 5:18 pm
No menu button for the direct tv remote
10/21/2015 at 8:48 pm
if i hook up headphones to my phone while using my remote app on my G3 can i listen to my tv?
11/15/2015 at 4:37 pm
I have tried this feature several times on my RCA TV and Bell satellite with no success
06/05/2016 at 11:36 am
Quick remote/any other remote apps are not working on my LGG3 with Marshmallow