HTC Flyer Honeycomb Update Coming Shortly after Launch
HTC has confirmed that its upcoming Gingerbread-powered tablet, the HTC Flyer, will be getting Android 3.0 Honeycomb at some point “shortly after launch.”
There had been rumors swirling around about a quick update to Android 3.0 for the Flyer however up until today, there had been nothing truly concrete. While the company says that the update will come shortly after launch, there is no telling what shortly means.
It will be coming at some point though and that should be comforting news for those that have pre-ordered the HTC Flyer or have been considering picking one up but have been fearful about the lack of Honeycomb.
The HTC Flyer will launch with Gingerbread (which is a little odd if the update is going to come ‘soon’) and it will feature a 7 inch display with 1024 X 600 resolution, a single-core 1.5GHz Snapdragon processor, a 5 megapixel rear facing camera, and a 1.3 front facing camera.
Pre-orders for the 3G version have been live in Europe for quite some time now with a launch scheduled for May 9th. Best Buy has also just started taking pre-orders for the Wi-Fi only version of the HTC Flyer.
Anyone going to be picking one up now that HTC has promised Honeycomb in a timely fashion?
(Via UnwiredView)

04/26/2011 at 12:26 am
Don’t forget your roots
It has a active digitizer pen ….
Roger J
04/26/2011 at 9:39 am
Yes, I also thought that was an omission of note! It’s the one reason for me to purchase another tablet, non-Apple. ‘another’ because I’ve bought my wife a Galaxy Tab, but she hasn’t had much access to it in the two months of ownership! It’s the first Android device I’ve used, and next month I am replacing my HTC WM 6.5 device with a Galaxy S2. nice size for my ageing eyes, so I can sit back and wait for the tablet war to settle down.
04/26/2011 at 12:29 am
I’m gonna pick one up. And I believe it’s a 1.5 GHz single-core snapdragon. Not 1 GHz
Adam Mills
04/26/2011 at 12:35 am
you sir, are correct. ’twas a typo. please forgive me.
04/26/2011 at 1:16 pm
Just pre-ordered the HTC Flyer…. now, just need a Samsung Galaxy s2, HTC Evo 3d 4g or Motorola Bionic phone …
06/27/2011 at 10:20 pm
Got mine now had it for a few weeks loved every minute of it all I can say is it just works!
Not to sure what honeycomb will bring I just hope the sense UI is still as good as it is now if anyone else has got theirs how are you getting on with it?
Nestor J. Santana
07/08/2011 at 1:48 am
Primarily just want gTalk and Skype to have video on this device with the upgrade. Otherwise, content with Gingerbread.
08/11/2011 at 8:39 am
Well, it’s been 4 months since the article above, and the Flyer is still shipping with Gingerbread! I wonder if HTC is going to go the same way in this market as Asus did in the mobile phone market? I surely hope not!