iOS 5 Now Available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
The time has finally come for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners as Apple has pushed out the iOS 5 update, its latest and greatest piece of mobile software. It has been 128 days since Apple announced the software at WWDC 2011 and just a few short days since it made the October 12th release date official.
This is iOS’ biggest update in a long while so if you’re the owner of an iDevice, you probably want to start mashing on ‘Check for Update’ in iTunes.
Of course, not all iDevice owners are going to be receiving this update. Those who own anything below the iPhone 3GS will not be able to upgrade to iOS 5. Anyone touting an iPod touch below the 3rd generation model won’t be able to take advantage of the new software. If you own an iPad though, either the iPad 1 or the iPad 2, you’ll in the clear.
So, now that’s it out (I’m still not seeing it but many people are), you’ll want to check out a few of the following:
iOS 5 is going to come jammed packed with features, a list that includes:
- Notification Center – A newer, better way to get notifications for emails, texts and from apps.
- NewsStand – All of your newspaper and magazine subscriptions in one place (if the apps support it).
- Twitter Integration – If you love Twitter you’ll be able to interact with it faster and easier in iOS 5.
- Safari – Better browsing thanks to tabs on the iPhone and iPad and the ability to sync your reading list between all of your Safari browsers.
- Reminders – Apple’s new task app to help you track and complete your to do lists.
- Better Camera – You can finally use the volume buttons to take pictures in iOS 5. You can also pinch to zoom and tap to focus on a particular area
- New Mail App – Richer formatting, message flagging, improved search and more.
- PC Free – After you plug in to get iOS 5, you won’t need a computer on hand for upgrades or for activations.
- Game Center – Add photos, play friends of friends and more with these new iOS 5 Game Center features.
- iMesssage – send messages to all of your iOS 5 using friends without paying for text message fees. You can also send, photos and videos over iMessage.
So, what are you waiting for?
Get downloading.

Devin Jones
10/12/2011 at 10:31 am
Downloading now. I’m at 78 minutes and still going up. Might as well take a nap while it downloads.
Ray Barone
10/12/2011 at 11:44 am
Just got it for my IPad2. Subtle, but very good.
10/12/2011 at 12:33 pm
got it for my ipad 2 n not that many things to get excited about what a let down by apple
Anant Sthapak
10/12/2011 at 1:40 pm
Is ios 5 update for ipod touch 3rd gen 8gb model also?
10/18/2011 at 7:22 pm
can you text people WITHOUT iOS 5 with an ipod touch???
10/18/2011 at 7:22 pm
using i message
01/26/2012 at 10:50 pm
Here is step by step Video on Ipad 2 jailbreak 5.0.1