iOS 7.0.3 Update: What iPhone & iPad Users Need to Know
It has been a few weeks since Apple rolled out the iOS 7.0.3 update for iPhone and iPad and with rumors of a new iOS 7 update swirling, we wanted to revisit the update and take a look at the most important things that iPhone, iPad and iPod users on iOS 7.0.3 need to know.
Back in October, Apple rolled out its third iOS 7 update in iOS 7.0.3, an update that followed in the footsteps of iOS 7.0.1 and iOS 7.0.2. Unlike those two updates, the iOS 7.0.3 update was a massive bug fixer aimed at tackling some of the issues that iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners had been dealing with since the arrival of iOS 7. The software also delivered some new features as well including iCloud Keychain.
While we have heard users sing the praises of iOS 7.0.3 for its bug squashing efforts, we’ve also seen the dark side of the iOS 7.0.3 update as well.
For weeks now, we’ve been hearing about the issues that iPhone and iPad owners are experiencing in iOS 7.0.3. Some of the bugs are small headaches and others are much bigger headaches.
Apple is notoriously secretive about its incremental iOS updates so it has come as no surprise that the company hasn’t revealed anything about its plans for the future. Fortunately, we’ve started to see some chatter in regard to a new iOS 7 update for iPhone and iPad users. We’ve also seen some new developments with the iOS 7.0.3 update itself.
As we get closer to a new iOS 7 update, we wanted to take a look at the most important things that iOS 7.0.3 users should know about their current software and what might be coming in the future.
iOS 7.0.3 Bug List Continues to Grow
The only thing that prompts Apple to disclose iOS update information are major iOS issues. We’ve seen it happen in the past where major issues are discovered and Apple publicly acknowledges them and promises a fix. Most recently, this happened with iOS 7.0.2. And while the iOS 7.0.3 bug list continues to grow, users should start tempering their expectations when it comes to information.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve heard from hundreds of iPhone and iPad users who are dealing with problems inside iOS 7.0.3 and below. Most recently, we’ve heard from iPhone 5s owners who are still dealing with random reboot issues and unresponsiveness when the iPhone is charging. These are just a few more problems that can be added to a lengthy list that seems to grow by the day.
One problem that we’ve been experiencing with iOS 7 since day one is with Netflix. The Netflix experience, to put to politely, remains terrible on the iPad. This tends to happen with applications that stream content but one would think that the company would be able to deliver a permanent fix now that we’re approaching the two month mark.
While we can’t dispute the number of bugs inside iOS 7.0.3, the problem is that there aren’t any standout issues that are affecting thousands upon thousands of device owners. The only one that maybe qualifies is the grayed out Wi-Fi issue that we’ve seen since iOS 6. And this, unfortunately, means that Apple is in no hurry to release a new update.
iOS 7.0.4 Situation Remains Unresolved
Apple won’t announce an iOS 7.0.4 or iOS 7.1 update. It will just arrive on a day of its choosing, likely in the morning. What we can confirm though is that iOS 7.0.4 and iOS 7.1 activity continues and iOS 7.0.3 owners should see a new update at some point in the future. When? We can’t say but just know that Apple is currently testing the software in and around the Bay Area and we saw activity pick up again over the weekend.
At this point, we are thinking that iOS 7.0.4 will come first and if that’s the case, expect it to be loaded up with some fixes for various issues that Apple has discovered inside its software. It won’t fix everything but it should offer some relief.
Tips for iOS 7 Problems
We’ve already offered a number of different solutions for the most common iOS 7 issues. And while we can’t offer specific fixes for some of these smaller issues, for example apps missing inside the multitasking feature or the random reboot issues with the iPhone 5s, we can offer one overarching fix that seems to work wonders for iPhone and iPad owners. We can also help point users in the right direction as far as fixes are concerned.
Those that simply cannot wait for the iOS 7.0.4 or iOS 7.1 update have two options, at least in our minds. The first is to scour the depths of the internet for temporary fixes to these issues. Often times, it just takes a few steps and a problem will dissipate. Finding those fixes isn’t easy but we have two places that we look first should trouble arise.
MacRumors forums and the Apple discussion forums are two places to look if the going with iOS 7.0.3 gets tough. Both places have resourceful users. More importantly, users can find people dealing with the same problem. Crowd sourcing fixes for iOS updates is often how things get done without Apple. If those don’t help, we recommend making a Genius Bar appointment at an Apple Store.
If none of those sound appealing, we recommend performing a hard reset. Many users claim that a hard reset, after a backup, makes a device feel like new. So, if all else fails, this is definitely worth a shot.
In summary, here are the most important things that iOS 7.0.3 users need to know:
- The iOS 7.0.3 bug list is extensive, but not extensive enough to put pressure on Apple to update in a swift manner.
- iOS 7.0.4 is likely on the way but exactly when remains a mystery.
- There are solutions to iOS 7.0.3 issues but permanent fixes will likely come from Apple.
How is iOS 7.0.3 treating you?

11/12/2013 at 4:20 pm
Bullshit waste of time article
What Aday
11/12/2013 at 5:34 pm
^ I agree
apple hater
11/12/2013 at 6:14 pm
me too, i got arrested at a apple store, for socking this idiot there telling me something something different for what i was there for, next day i was out,no charges filed than i went back and smashed the dudes face in!! after he left the store after work, screw apple!!! they always give you the run around i told him this is the deal and he did not understand so after 3 times discussing the issue he still went on so i socked him!! i felt bad but apple is out for greed not the buyer!! gee now he is missing his two front teeth, ahhh i know what he is wishing for xmas for?? his two front teeth!!
Ted Fredrich
11/14/2013 at 8:54 pm
Man, A.H. – I feel sorry for your future wife and children, your friends (if you have any), your parents, and you…yes, YOU! I suggest some therapy, modern medicine (an anti-depressant), and try doing the opposite of everything you just did in your previous visit/s to the Apple store. You should also look into getting a bag phone or sticking to a land line, that way you won’t have to deal with any of the issues you just went through. Stay positive, stay out of jail and hug the person you want to hit next time, it will be better for everyone!
11/13/2013 at 9:09 am
Gee apple hater, you showed him. Feel better? Doesn’t it change a thing? No. Pretty disappointed they didn’t press charges, I would have. I do my job and you go off on me? Yeah. Course, I wouldn’t let that happen to me, I think it would be the other way around, self defense and you go to jail. I think your argument is petty, and you obviously shouldn’t use Apple products, or ANY products for that matter. Everyone is out for a buck.
Apple hater
11/13/2013 at 12:52 pm
Oh no Congo I had a stupid temper that day, it’s was a day that started bad and the guy sparked me off, normally I would have not done that but I had some bad days before but that’s no excuse for what I did, I have sense than to my apology but I do regret but the guy was out for apple not us, I did go to a different apple store and was a better experience they gave me a new phone and the person there was on the same communication level and understood what was wrong, but I was a bit of an ass I won’t deny that at all but even at 21 I should not do that
11/13/2013 at 7:04 pm
Compared to my laggy S3 running on 4.1.2 the issues on the iOS are much more minor…subconsciously I think people just set a much higher bar and are more critical on all things Apple!
11/14/2013 at 6:16 am
whats up with the news of pod2g??? .. is that the jb now?
11/14/2013 at 8:09 am
They have no clue?? The evasion jb keeps saying this and that, I don’t think for a little while, iphone 5 and iOS 6 came out September 2012 than that jailbreak came out February 2013?? I think this could be same or hope sooner!!
11/14/2013 at 9:12 am
i am having great fun with this update!! I cant connect to wifi it does not allow me to connect even though it shows all my available networks
11/14/2013 at 1:28 pm
Did you try a hard reset or reset network settings?? If that fails back up and restore phone that worked for me, try that good luck…. The wifi issue has been since iOS 7 to 7.0.3 current, have you noticed we don’t get a full screen on pictures?? Video you do?? Some iOS 7 camera upgrade?¿?¿
lost apple
11/16/2013 at 11:13 pm
I was at the apple store today, due to the 7.03 update fail. Iphone 4 was stuck on restore mode. While this visit was better… after three tries the update finally worked. However; wifi grayed out issue Not Fixed! The tech told me it was not the ios 7.03 update that messed up my wifi. “IT MUST BE FAULTY phone hardware, that COINCIDENTALLY failed at the time of update.” Since its iphone 4 u probably dont have active apple insurance (true)apple care + exp.6 mos. Ago…so, you can either live with it, or get the phone replaced. this was sad news; since I cant afford a replacement at this time. :`( Is there no easy fix out there that works??
lost apple
11/16/2013 at 11:21 pm
By the way, I tried EVERY SOLUTION MENTIONED HERE but no fix…
11/18/2013 at 2:20 pm
I have the iphone 4s but i dont want to get ios 7 upgrade because my friend has it and she said it nested up her iphone 4s too ?
11/18/2013 at 3:02 pm
Before the update my ipad2 was slow and lost power quickly. It seems that the update has worked on those issues. The X is back to close out windows in safari.
12/31/2013 at 5:36 am
Everyone with Apple issues based on the 7.0.3 update which rendered their phones useless show log a complaint with the FTC. My 4s Wii stopped working when I updated it. since my phone was 43 days over the warranty the “geniuses” said pay $200 to fix it. What stops a company from introducing code to do this intentionally so I have to buy a new phone? If that sounds bad, what is different from what we are going through?