iOS 8.1 Problems Frustrating iPhone Users
While the iOS 8.1 release brings fixes for several iOS 8 problems, it appears that the update has delivered some new problems of its own as iPhone and iPad users are struggling with assorted iOS 8.1 problems just a day after the update’s arrival.
In late September, just a few weeks after iOS 8.0 came out of the beta program, Apple released iOS 8.1 beta. Apple did not attach a public iOS 8.1 release date to the beta leaving consumers wondering when the update would arrive. iPhone and iPad users had put great importance on iOS 8.1 release due to a number of iOS 8.0 issues and iOS 8.0.2 issues on board Apple’s iOS 8 update.
Last week, Apple announced a public iOS 8.1 release date, confirming the update for Monday, October 20th. Yesterday, as promised, Apple released the iOS 8.1 update for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The update, as expected is a sizable update that not only includes support for Apple Pay but comes packed with an assortment of tweaks and changes that are meant to improve Apple’s new iOS 8 update.
As we’ve discovered, the iOS 8.1 update’s fixes do tackle some of the iOS 8 problems that plagued iPhone and iPad users for several weeks. The iOS 8.1 update eradicated an issue wherein the iPhone would get stuck in landscape mode and it also squashed an iOS 8 bug that caused read iMessages to be labeled as unread. We’ve taken a deep dive into the iOS 8.1 update and while our experiences have been mostly positive, it looks like the update has delivered iOS 8.1 problems to iPhone and iPad users.
iPhone and iPad users on iOS 8.1 are reporting a number of iOS 8.1 problems that appear to be affecting the overall performance of their device. Apple’s discussion forums are flooded with complaints about the new iOS 8.1 update and problems range from installation issues to Bluetooth issues to random freezes and slow down.
Numerous iPhone and iPad users are complaining about assorted installation issues that have prevented them from getting the iOS 8.1 update installed on their device. These issues are different than the server issues that we encountered in the minutes after the iOS 8.1 release yesterday. iPhone and iPad users say that their installations have stopped abruptly during the process. Fortunately, there is a fix for these issues, one that we relayed yesterday shortly after the iOS 8.1 release.
Unfortunately, many of the iOS 8.1 issues being reported don’t have permanent cure-all fixes. iPhone 5s users are reporting random reboots after iOS 8.1. An iPhone 5 user told us that his iMessages stopped sending immediately after installing the iOS 8.1 update. We’re also hearing about Wi-Fi issues including Wi-Fi speeds seemingly being throttled on the iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 and erratic connection speeds. Those are just the tip of the iceberg.
iOS 8.1 users also say that they aren’t able to move their mail into the trash, assorted Apple Pay problems, Bluetooth issues, AirDrop issues, problems with iOS 8.1’s hotspot feature, random stability issues in Safari, Bluetooth issues in the car, issues opening files in Mail, Spotlight suggestion problems, and a whole lot more.
Some of those aforementioned threads contain temporary fixes, many of them do not. And while we do not have fixes for all of these issues, we do have some fixes for some of the most common iOS 8 problems found on the iPhone and iPad. These fixes apply to iOS 8.0, iOS 8.0.2 and they also should work for iPhone and iPad users that are running the iOS 8.1 update.
For now, iPhone and iPad users will need to rely on these unofficial fixes for answers to their iOS 8 problems. Apple hasn’t announced any new iOS 8 updates and it hasn’t dropped any new updates inside its beta program. We haven’t seen any iOS 8.1.1 pickup in our analytics either which suggests that a release isn’t imminent. We’re going to continue to dig into Apple’s latest update over the next week as iOS 8.1 problems continue to emerge.
Apple’s rumored to have two new iOS 8 updates up its sleeve for 2015 including an iOS 8.2 update and an iOS 8.3 update. Neither update has made an official appearance and it’s still not clear what will be next for iPhone and iPad users running iOS 8.1.

MaryLou Redd
10/22/2014 at 2:29 am
My iPhone 5s froze up after installation of 8.1…..the screen is black with the red itunes icon in the center, and a white arrow directly under it, as well as something resembling the end of the lightning fast plug….it’s now totally useless
10/22/2014 at 10:09 am
You must plug the device into iTunes and restore it. If you don’t have a machine available an Apple store will complete the restore or possibly your carrier at one of their stores. Call them and ask if it’s possible.
08/19/2015 at 11:52 am
Apple iPad mini is a piece of shit. Slow, clunky, deletes my inbox after the last update, the wifi range is pitiful, my windows laptop get a signal whilst in the bedroom, the iPad no f….. Way.
Michael Nokes
10/22/2014 at 3:18 am
Hi, I love your site it is so clear and helpful. One thing that iOS 8 has done is mess up calendars for everyone residing in the UK. For some reason Apple seem to think we use GMT all the year round here which we don’t. Now the clock here goes back to GMT next Sunday which means all will be more or less ok for 6 months but still all over every event I insert in my calendar it now always puts the GMT time. In iOS7 one could turn it off by inserting London in the time setting but that option has now been taken off us.
Does any one on your team have an answer?
Many thanks Michael.
Daniel Boivin
10/22/2014 at 5:50 am
Calendar app still doesn’t support floating time zone. Major drawback. Also, when a timed event that crosses over to the next date is entered as floating from OSX, trying to open and or edit on iOS makes calendar app crash… This didn’t happen in iOS 7…
10/22/2014 at 9:40 am
Lollipop, here I come.
10/22/2014 at 3:22 pm
It sucks.
Phillip Alford
10/22/2014 at 9:41 am
Don’t download IOS8. It turned my beautifully operating IPad into a slow, unreliable piece of crap with the speed of a pc. It also ate up my storage capacity. I wish I had never downloaded it. Lesson learned.
10/22/2014 at 10:40 am
I have the same exact problem. Sometimes, I get wifi connection. Most of the time, not. So incredibly angry!
10/22/2014 at 8:00 pm
The storage Is NOT INCREASED. IT IS A FALSE READING. AFTER YOU BACK UP YOUR STORAGE ON A PC, the “other storage” shrinks back to a low bar.
DO NOT BACK UP TO ICLOUD as it does not recover all images.
Do not download IOS8.1 after you back up if you haven’t.
Wait until the next update.
It is not efficient.
10/22/2014 at 2:19 pm
Same here with my ipad2. Never warned not to upgrade and now my perfectly good ipad of over three years works like crap. Will not buy another Apple. Been Apple user for 15 years. Expected more from them and usually got it. Not this tIme. We should at least be allowed to go back to ios7.
11/06/2014 at 8:40 am
The poor performance is just a consequence of repeated upgrades. I had the same on my iPad 2. Just reset the device and restore a fresh version of 8.1 via iTunes and the iPad starts behaving again.
10/22/2014 at 9:48 am
My 5S problems are my phone will lock up. Only way to fix it is powering it off, then back on,
Mrs. Suzanne Hornick
10/22/2014 at 9:54 am
After installing iOS 8.1 none of my music will download back to my iPhone. In iTunes it says “Syncing (step 8 of 8)” then just holds there indefinitely. Can anyone help me overcome this?
10/22/2014 at 10:12 am
Completely shut down your PC or Mac, hold the power button on your phone until it tells you to slide to power off. Power both back on after they shut down and try the sync again.
If that fails I would recommend signing out of your iTunes account on the PC or Mac and signing back in and do the same in settings on your phone and try the sync again, that should resolve your issue.
10/22/2014 at 8:05 pm
That syncing freeze happened to me with my photos.
Just pullout the cord & keep trying again from the beginning.
My pictures finally loaded after 5-6 attempts.
10/22/2014 at 10:12 am
Updated to iOS 8.1 on Monday: Bluetooth problems fixed, but battery life has deteriorated and some apps that worked with iOS 8.0.1 will not work properly
Marvin Jackson
10/22/2014 at 10:14 am
I really can’t understand the hype about Apple products. Their quality control is total crap. I have an iPhone 4 that can’t make calls well, an iPhone 5 that had its lock button break (highly publicized problem that Apple denied and then ended up having to fix out of warranty), Macbook, and now a very, very expensive Mac Pro 2013 with an issue with the logic board and sound…all on top of the iOS update issues of bugs and battery life being killed…AND I bought Final Cut Pro X 2 years ago and that wasn’t even worth beta status before being shipped to customers.
I’m moving to some other phone. My iPhone 5 drops calls too often and can’t hold the WiFi connection in the same room an iPad has no problems with.
Arthur Streatfield
10/22/2014 at 12:39 pm
As a switcher to Apple just before the emergence of Mountain Lion I am singularly unimpressed with Apples response to the IOS 8 debacle. Most expected 8.1 to fix the issues created by 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 but it is clear that Apple are more focussed on getting money generating capabilities onto the street than in offering a quality product. This way lies disaster if Apple are arrogant enough to think that people will pay a premium price for a mediocre product. I now regret upgrading to IOS 8.0.2, trusting (too soon) that the problems of 8.0.1 had been addressed. I will definitely not upgrade to IOS 8.1 for a very long time, and have not, and probably will not, move from Mountain Lion. My iMac is Mid 2010, I have an iPad 2 and an iPhone 5s, so in the next year I will be in the market for replacements. Apples dismal performance will certainly be a real factor in my decisions when that time comes. I bought Apple because I thought I was getting an integrated and a quality product, IOS 8, and particularly the pathetic Apple response has proved that I was naive.
10/23/2014 at 7:54 am
My experience has been very similar. I wish I had never encumbered my life with iTunes, as it has kept me buying Apple products since 2002. But I am now too old for toys, especially those that require constant charging and bug-oiling. This latest SNAFU just proves that Apple will never put function before form. I am getting rid of all of my shiny silver boxes of crap.
Heck, I miss my blackberry. It’s internet capabilities weren’t great, but it handled my work load effortlessly and did not require a charge at Noon and 4PM like my iPhone 5s. All the bells and whistles are worthless because they can’t even be turned on without sucking the battery dry. Form over function.
If anyone has a good suggestion for a good laptop and phone, do tell. Soon an Neil Young comes out with his MP3 player, iTunes is going into the trash.
10/22/2014 at 10:31 am
I cannot get my Bluetooth connection from iphone 6 to my car.
11/02/2014 at 2:18 pm
I can’t get my Bluetooth to work in my car on my iphone5 after downloading 8.1. Also my network says extended, instead of Verizon. I went to Verizon and they don’t know how to fix.
10/22/2014 at 10:34 am
You mean the poor iBots are realizing their Apple products are JUST electronic devices…like any other phone!? They can’t cure diseases or conjure love or money!? They can actually NOT WORK!? HAVE PROBLEMS!? OH NOOOOOOOO!
10/22/2014 at 3:13 pm
Well, they conjure plenty of money for Apple Inc
10/22/2014 at 11:48 am
i feel like an Android user now…. ;-(
10/22/2014 at 1:35 pm
.. and yet, teh interwebz today are devoid of Android users experiencing catastrophic failures of their devices. It must suck to be a crApple devotee lately. Maybe CrApple would actually come up with a truly new iThing instead of yet another annual rehash of their 8-year old device and ancient-looking OS (“Ooh! But THIS one has pretty gold foil around the button. Why yes .. Here’s another $700!”)? Android devices are continually pushing the envelope, and devices from over a year ago are STILL far more advanced (and bigger) than this years iJunk. Maybe crApple will match those (year ago) features next year?
10/22/2014 at 11:50 am
This is crap!
After Steve Apple is just like an ordinary phone company!
They come up with updates and phones with problems!
I never thought that an update will be a problem in Mac/iPhone.
These small negative things will slowly effect the big lines of customers.
No one will buy on release date they will wait for people to check and review it!
This is a bad period for Apple they are loosing hopes and faith from Me and more!!!
Hope to get a better phone my iPhone 6 is sold and am not returning to 6 or 6+.
Got an iPhone 5S with 7.1.3 update and will remain in that untill the new damager of Apple is kicked from the company.
Hope someone replaces him and gives better like Steve did for years!
iPhone User
10/22/2014 at 11:54 am
Please tell me they didn’t offshore their system test groups because it sure would explain a lot.
10/22/2014 at 12:12 pm
Ever since my husband & I made the fatal mistake of updating from ios7 to the 8’s we’ve had no end of problems. The major issue is slow wifi web pages not loading…’s like dial up!! His ipad mini was working just ok before he decided to update yesterday via his laptop to iOS 8.1…. BIG MISTAKE!! His wifi is terrible, ibooks & pages takes ages to load!
My iPad Air wifi has a mind of its own….. Sometimes fast sometimes non existent!!
I am seriously considering selling my year old Air and getting a Tesco Hudl….. Yes that’s how stressed & frustrated we are with this ridiculous ongoing update fiasco!!!!!
10/22/2014 at 12:28 pm
Uploaded 8.1 last night and now my phone want play videos
10/22/2014 at 12:28 pm
“Phillip Alford says – turned my beautifully operating IPad into a slow, unreliable piece of crap with the speed of a pc.”
Do you know what Linux is? Are you saying 30sec boot time is slow? And that the kernel is unrliable? Do you live on Earth?
10/22/2014 at 1:05 pm
Oh wow, I almost feel bad about my iPhone working beautifully. Then I look at all of my family and friends having zero problems with their’s and now I know something must be done. For the sake of fairness, I suggest that the bugs experienced by everyone else be dispersed to our iPhones. Who are we that we should have something so good? I’m sure everyone having it easy with their iPhones will be happy with my decision; that they, too, will live in misery with everyone else.
Ebola and amnesty, anyone?
10/22/2014 at 1:06 pm
Whenever I take a picture on my iphone 6 (happened both with ios 8.0 and 8.1) it will show up in the preview box in the lower left corner, but it won’t save to camera roll when I try to view the picture itself. Same goes for videos. It would be nice to be able to actually use the shiny new camera :/
ho ho ho
10/22/2014 at 1:25 pm
pour ma part depuis que j ai mis ios 8 ou ios 8.1 plus de wifi quel merde
10/22/2014 at 1:25 pm
crApple seriously needs to update that ancient looking OS! It looks like it was created by Playskool, for children. Does anyone take a business person with an iThing seriously?
10/22/2014 at 1:46 pm
There is another solution, Google a application called RecBoot and download it, and click exit recovery, this should bring your device back to normal.
10/22/2014 at 1:59 pm
Thanks Apple for turning my iPhone into a useless piece of crap. Update 8.1 is another lemon that fell from the Apple tree. I think it’s time to invest in a phone with a dependable operating system that doesn’t start with iOS!!!!
Martin Mireles
10/22/2014 at 2:24 pm
Ready out of the box, NOT!!!!!
And here I was thinking Microsoft was the only updating its products. :p
10/22/2014 at 2:46 pm
Same here 5s, wifi very slow safari hanging even typing sometimes freezes, this is my second text cos half way it froze and refreshed the page not to talk of battery drainage it’s horrible, with ios 7.0.4 id last two days before I recharge but since iOS 8 and 8.0.2 and now with 8.1 it’s worst every 13 hours I need to recharge battery drains at 3 or 7% before my phone goes till 1 then 0% before switching off, Apple has brought disaster to people what a shame on them, the funny thing is that they don’t even address the issue, gradually they would loose clients at least as for me and my staff we are planning on changing handsets soon Apple is just too bad booo on them
Alan Dwyer
10/22/2014 at 3:17 pm
The email app on my iPad2 stopped working last night, and the upgrade to iOS 8.1 didn’t fix it. We have 8 Apple products in our house, and one by one the older ones have stopped working (either hardware or software failures). Since Steve Jobs died, Apple can’t seem to do anything right!
10/22/2014 at 3:35 pm
Since Jobs died, Apple has quickly gone downhill. When he was captaining the ship, heads would have rolled if updates went out the way they do now. As it is now, there is not an ios update that goes out that doesn’t have some type of glitch. Some worse than others. That is why now, I wait for several weeks after an update comes out, by then they’ve fixed the issue.
10/22/2014 at 3:41 pm
I have 8.0 on my iphone 6 and it works fine. I am planning to leave it there unless forced to upgrade by Apple. If it is not broke then don’t fix it.
10/22/2014 at 5:33 pm
This iOS update has totally screwed my iPad. It locks up, blackout, wifi connection slow. Do not download this lemon!
Mad rotten Apple
10/22/2014 at 5:44 pm
Yup, Crapple sucks now, stock is high though so who cares about problems????
To hell with Apple junk!!’
10/22/2014 at 6:34 pm
Google IPAD2 slow IOS8. This update has trashed thousands of IPADS, including mine. The thing is worthless now.. Slower than a 386 computer with two megs of ram running Windows 8!
Buddy Bob
10/22/2014 at 7:23 pm
Boy – I must be unique – I have none of the issues spoken about in these diatribes… wonder how many are android users trying to spoof the millions of HAPPY IOS users? Many? Most? I wonder.
11/04/2014 at 7:14 pm
WRONG. You are wrong, wrong, wrong. My family, in my home, runs both Apple and Android products, and the droids run circles around the iOS, every f-ing time, all the time. It would seem that new iOSs are not being tested properly before being released
10/22/2014 at 7:29 pm
So glad I found these comments. Totally classic. Yeah I’m not a mega savvy tech person. So here it goes. I have 1 Apple device. I have a iPad mini. The thing worked sweet for the last 2 years. After I downloaded the new upgrade, the thing drags balls. I did a total reboot and now it’s asking me to reload the crappy updated software. So for now it’s running pretty good.
10/22/2014 at 7:44 pm
So is there a way to get this update off our phones/iPads? I have 3 iPads and 3 iPhones in my house and had NO problems with any of them until we did this update and now they all run slow/freeze/lose connection and are just crappy! Someone plz help? If I cannot fix this my or my family will never go with anything Apple again.
James Burke
10/22/2014 at 8:53 pm
Still slow and sluggish as a 56k modem. Just let me revert to 7.0!!! I am so done with Apple.
10/22/2014 at 9:24 pm
The most frequently reported problem may be the red iTunes logo screen stuck on iOS 8.1 update. And the recently i found what worked for me is to use the free app called ReiBoot. Great software it is! This youtube video gives the download link and tutorial.
10/22/2014 at 9:36 pm
I upgraded an iPhone 6, an iPhone 5s and a iPad 2 to iOS 8.1 without one single problem. All three of my devices are working just fine, including the iPad 2. Each upgrade took less than a half an hour to complete. Maybe I was just lucky, but I’ve been upgrading Apple devices for 30 years now, and in all that time I’ve never had a serious problem I couldn’t resolve. If you have a problem call Apple or stop in an Apple Store, more than likely they will be able to help you. Don’t just complain, there is help out there. Get it!
Noble Furr
10/22/2014 at 9:42 pm
I have never seen a mature, successful, and popular company screw up a good thing the way Apple has. Steve Jobs left, and the company went to seed.
A little over a year ago, I had to download the latest operating system in order for my iPhone to work with certain third-party software. It changed FOR THE WORST so many things on my phone, that I felt like my iPhone had been hijacked!
What’s worse, Apple had no way to put the phone back the way it was. Now, its operation is retarded, I run out of battery power quickly, and it gets hot when I use it a lot, and the screens and features look and operate quite differently. For me, this is a matter of being productive. When I have to wire around the operating system, the utility of the phone goes to rock bottom.
I will N E V E R buy another Apple product again!
10/22/2014 at 10:51 pm
After iOS 7 bricked my iphone 4 i vowed never to update again….I have a fully functioning iphone 5s because i havent updated and i never will….welcome to the world of fractured OS apple!
Howard Freeman
10/23/2014 at 12:27 am
The update has stopped my email from updating
10/23/2014 at 2:52 am
I have a 4S that just upgraded to 8.1 Sad to say it is a disappointing upgrade. I took it upon my self to fix it finally. Bought a Samsung Note 4 and put the iPhone in a drawer. Problem resolved.
10/23/2014 at 5:18 am
iPhone 6 and iPad Air. Both work perfect with 8.1 and have had zero issues.
Seems like an android fanboy wrote this article. Lots of straw men. “People are complaining…”
Brian M
10/23/2014 at 7:34 am
Finally got my wifi back. I tried all the tricks online and nothing worked. While looking at the 3 phones settings i noticed they all had same name “iphone”. I changed two of the phones names. I reset the router and have not had a problem since. Changed name under settings-general-about-name
10/23/2014 at 7:38 am
My FaceTime vidio freezes, only works on audio. On my iPad 4with 8.1. Is it my server or me? It worked good on ios7?
John Kranz
10/23/2014 at 8:30 am
My spouse confirmed one of these reported issues after updating iOS. Her iPhone 6 will automatically reboot, typically when she’s working in the Mail app. Hopefully Apple will release a fix very soon.
Marc Hallert
10/23/2014 at 9:01 am
I just installed the new IOS on my Ipad 2 ( 64G ) last night. It has slowed my internet usage and I have had one reboot occur when the Ipad was in sleep mode. But the reboots happened before the update as well.
10/23/2014 at 9:18 am
What do you fools expect when you just throw money at Apple’s over pricing? lol
10/23/2014 at 10:45 am
iOS 8 feels and performs in my iPad 4 like beta software, very disappointed
10/23/2014 at 11:21 am
Just downloaded 8.1 yesterday and I now notice that when I type predicted words do not pop up anymore like they did before—I liked that feature…is there a way to get it back?
MT Colello
10/23/2014 at 1:34 pm
My phone won’t work on Wifi after IOS 8.1 update.
10/23/2014 at 2:43 pm
No wifi after iOS 8.0.2 and now iOS 8.1. 4s.
10/23/2014 at 3:52 pm
Downloaded iOS 8.1 and my phone is stuck on the apple icon. Won’t turn on. I’ve plugged it into iTunes and iTunes won’t even pick up my phone on the computer. WTH???
10/23/2014 at 4:23 pm
Totally fed up… I’ve been a faithful Apple fan for several years. Stick a fork in me, I’m done. These updates have caused my mini iPad to become totally frustrating and at times unusable. Not another dollar will be thrown their way, especially considering there are very comparable AND faster tablets on the market, and best of all at a better price. Also, I have found that the iPad/mini iPad has no longer functionable lifespan than these other products. Enough said.
10/23/2014 at 8:01 pm
Hate it! Would love to go back to ios7 if I could.
The list of problems is endless: my iPad is super slow, it glitches and freezes! Jip an apple that freez. It gets stuck on portrait or landscape and the keyboard has times it doesn’t want to show completely. On top of that the swipe feature is a snail if it works and trying to look at pictures takes forever if it works. Top that it kicks you out of programs.
This was a huge worthless update. It just made me hate my previously beloved ipad
Software engineer
10/23/2014 at 8:15 pm
Yes, this is most distressing. Apple has the advantage of owning “the complete experience” and I have found my iPhone to be an excellent device really. It disn’t need to be the biggest or fastest because it just worked. I’m very concerned that iOS has become too layered to remain stable. When an update can break numerous seemingly unrelated functions…things that used to work perfectly…and make a mess of critical systems like Bluetooth and wi-FI or cause the whole os to panic it seems that the developers have lost control of it. I’m concerned some apps are being held together with fishing line and bubblegum.
Rick Wilmot
10/24/2014 at 6:02 am
Updated to 8.1 and my ipad is now unusable. Keeps asking for icloud password, type it in and it asks again and again and again…….Grrrr!!!!!!!!!!
10/24/2014 at 8:33 am
I have been getting delayed txt messages from 2 or 3 days prior. They will all come through at once
10/24/2014 at 9:06 am
After installing the update my iPhone 5 sends all messages as text now. I seem to have no iMessage capability
10/24/2014 at 10:23 am
it is constantly asking me to put in a password for one of my email accounts… HELP!!! its so annoying and i know im putting in the correct email
10/24/2014 at 3:45 pm
Help! My phone won’t charge after the 8.1 upgrade. Starts to charge then stops stating “This Accessory may not be authorized’. What can I do?
10/24/2014 at 7:53 pm
Done. I’m a apple user from way back and this is the last device I will buy. Sick of updates crashing my devices. I’ve got a mini that will no longer connect to wifi. I. AM. DONE.
Markku Karjalainen
10/25/2014 at 1:19 am
The problems still exist on ipad after installed ios 8.1 , also icons are lost.
Abbas DjadjavadiA
10/25/2014 at 2:07 am
I was not aware of this problem until I bought a new iPad 4 two days ago. I did the start up and I was asked to download iOS 8.1 which I did. And there my problems started. The iPad is now slow, though new, and some Apps such as Facebook simply don’t want to download. It constantly says WAITING. I can’t even delete those apps. It is strange that Apple doesn’t send a new iOS release to fix these issues. Very frustrating that we are left to search the forums and support communities ourselves. By the way, on my mini iPad and my iPhone I also have 8.1. The mini iPad is okay but the iPhone is now also slow so that once I decided to change to Samsung. But now I am hoping Apple will no longer wait to send a fix to everybody.
10/25/2014 at 3:38 am
Plz help me to find a solution!
After I update my iphone5 with ios8.1, facing problem with music player.
While playing any songs, every 1 minutes or more it breaks and start again with low quality music. After I close the music player app and start again, it come back to good quality.
I tried changing song, I tried playing streaming song, I tried play a video in vlc ios video player … Still same problem.
What is the solution, I am music mad! I hate iphone now with this creepy update
10/25/2014 at 6:20 am
A demented crackhead must have been the head programmer for IOS 8.0, 8.02, and 8.1. It can be the only logical reason for the countless errors as a result to these so called upgrades. oh well, I’m getting rid of my iPhone for good today and will not be returning to the crackhead technology again.
A realist
10/25/2014 at 11:48 am
Stop being cheap and upgrade your hardware. Apple lets you download software intended for a much faster processor on the old processors. This is at your own risk. Notice none of the issues are from iphone 6 or 6plus users. My 6 works fine with ios8 its just like any other piece of technology. Unfortunately everyone wants to be advanced but noone wants to pay for the great upgrades they expect.
10/25/2014 at 1:36 pm
Stop being arrogant if u read comments you would see plenty of us with the problems have the 6 and or the 6 plus. My family has to of the 6’s and 1 of the plus. All 3 of them have issues. Updated 1 of them to 8.1 and it still has the WiFi issue. Pay attention before you write next time please.
IT Dept Manager
10/25/2014 at 3:20 pm
Worse update so far 8.1 has turned my 4s phone into a freezing annoying ‘brick’ . It can’t play videos from within Facebook and it slows down to a snails pace . I will never purchase an apple product again. The quality control as regards software testing on updates Is a panic step ‘test it in the user base’ . Terrible service !!
10/25/2014 at 3:47 pm
Wow. This is constructive. Fandroid whiners adding their two cents to a bunch of frustrated apple complainers who can’t get along in life without their phone or Mac cooking them breakfast. I’m sorry but to all you who expect immediate perfection, apple and all machines are programmed by humans, so guess what. It may take some time, and nothing is perfect. Never was, never will be. Fandroids: you rant on negatively about anything that might be useful to someone else but not for you. How pathetic that you take to reflecting your personal animocity towards others to make your point in the most classless way possible. Keyboard hate warriors. Really useful. Bottom line: if you thing the grass is so green on the other side, go try it. I’m sure you will all make these same complaints in another forum and in reference to another device. You all have your heads up so far up other people’s asses that you don’t know what it is to be happy anymore. Patience. Respect. #classgate
10/27/2014 at 9:29 pm
Lest you forget Tet, Crapple’s marketing is based on “it just works”. No excuses. No relativism. We’re talking about Apple here, no one else. It’s THEIR performance, no one else’s.
The plethora of work-arounds to try and assist owners of Ipads and Iphones to actually get their (relatively expensive) devices to function as well as previous is testament to the above being the height of glib false advertising.
Apple relies on a sort of “fan base” to flog its products, which are relatively expensive. For that one expects performance, not excuses. But a fan-base as a foundation suffers the same risk as celebrities. Pull stunts and screw up and piss fans off and you’ll quickly become a joke and/or irritant. And the ride down isn’t pleasant.
Apple’s been through this before. They cacked-up spectacularly in the late 80’s through the 90’s and PC’s dominated. I see that happening again if they don’t pull their thumbs out very quickly and start focusing on their software. Particularly it “just working”.
10/25/2014 at 5:51 pm
I updated my itunes and my ipad. Now it wont copy songs to my ipad after days of trying..
10/25/2014 at 7:29 pm
IOS 8 and all his family of update was the worst IOS from apple. My Ipad now has a lot of problems to keep alive the wifi connection and also when connected the speed is like an old car.
10/26/2014 at 2:02 am
I have an iPhone 4s, delibrately didn’t update on 8, 8.01 and 8.02 after reading about the issues. Didn’t think Apple could get it wrong 4 times in a row but they certainly have with wifi.
Continually connecting, disconnecting then connecting over and over again. Terribly disappointing.
And, for the poster earlier who mentioned that you should upgrade to newer hardware and the problems won’t be there? Well, if it has major issues on a device and shouldn’t be downloaded well don’t let it….. If it allows to be downloaded and installed then it’s been classified as a viable piece of hardware by Apple. They did it with anything under 3s!!!!!!!!
10/26/2014 at 7:29 am
The comment made by ski, saying, “I feel like an Android user now.” That makes me laugh, hard, like REALLY REALLY HARD! i don’t have issues with my Samsung Galaxy S4. The S4 came out about mid year last year (2013). I just got mine like a month ago. Regardless, Android is great, and Google, the maker creator of Android, I’m pretty sure worth more than Apple. So far they have had patience in making their OS’s better and better. The saying, “You get what you pay for!” Obviously isn’t always true. You can spend a little bit ($150-200) and get a decent phone with it. For all of you that are considering switching to the “light side” I recommend a Samsung Galaxy S4 or better, or the Samsung Note 3 or better. Yes, you’ll pay a good amount of money for the newest stuff, but there aren’t many issues. I also recommend going with A CDMA carrier, such as, Sprint or Verizon.
10/26/2014 at 7:53 am
My iPhone 5 has auto shut off problem. Can’t even continue my games.. Can’t use at all. Crap iOS8.1
10/26/2014 at 8:11 am
I’m sorry, I wasn’t more specific on my last post. When I had said that the consumer (You), can spend a little bit and get a decent phone I didn’t specify. Android. When it comes to comparing two top phones off this year together, do your research people. The Galaxy S5 vs the new iPhone 6, there’s not much to compete with if you have the S5.
Current price for iPhone 6, $650!
IPhone 6 specs are as follows, 32, 64, or 128 GB of internal storage, no spot for a memory card, 4.7″ screen, one 1.4 GHz dual (2) core processor, 1 GB of ram, iOS 8, an 8 MP camera in the back and a 1.2 MP camera in the front.
Current price for Samsung Galaxy S5, $600!
The Galaxy S5 specs are as follows, 16 or 32 GB of internal storage with memory card slot for one 128 GB card or less, 5.1″ (Full High Definition) 1920 by 1080 display, one 2.5 GHz quad (4) core processor, 2 GB of ram, Android 4.4.2 (name of OS, kitkat), 16 MP camera in the back and a 2 MP camera in the front. The Galaxy S5 also has a user-replaceable battery and holds a charge longer than the iPhone 6.
Like I said earlier, but now in a different way, “You don’t always get what you pay for!”
10/26/2014 at 8:39 am
I not even going to compare the Galaxy Note 4 and the iPhone 6 Plus. It not even fair to all of the Apple product lovers in the world. I will say this much though, the Galaxy Note 4 has 3 GB of ram and a 5.7″ 2560 by 1440 pixel display, an awesome 3.22Ah (that’s 3220mAh) fast charging battery,up to 32 hours talk time, micro SD card slot compatible up to 128 GB. I think I forgot to mention that it has Bluetooth 4.1, Oh yeah, and the 2.7 GHz Quad (4) core processor. Lastly, it also Currently has Android 4.4.2!
The current full price for Verizon is $700.
For Sprint, $720. Unfortunately, they can only be ordered at the moment.
Have fun with your iPhone and iPad!
A m nagal
10/26/2014 at 10:53 am
Not happy with this update
10/26/2014 at 4:51 pm
Ios 8 ruined wifi on my iPhone 5s. I hoped that ios 8.1 will sort this issue out. Boy I was wrong. Wifi is slow as shit and now apps will crash quite often. Battery drains really fast. Now I have to recharge my iPhone5s twice a day. I learned a hard lesson. From now on I will never update without waiting for reviews. I wish i can go back to ios7. Apple has lost my trust.
10/26/2014 at 6:57 pm
Opinion ,
I use my Iphone 5 for work, Internet, reading documents, life etc. Constant use all day long and it’s required to function at speed. I find that after these updates I cannot depend upon this phone to even allow me to answer/switch to an incoming call while on a call without dropping it. Batting 0 for all instances. For example I cannot switch between programs and Apps without delay, super lag. This costs me money and a loss of productivity. It brings stress to the workplace. For example..Having to explain to everyone why I could not answer their call or read/edit documents/print/sign/mail etc. The web connection is very slow and constantly freezing no matter the location. If my life depended upon this phone or one of the life saving Apps functioning correctly I see I have little faith left in it that it would work. For example..will my iPhone American Red Cross App connect correctly. I will have to find a dependable phone that will work and switch. The cost is not really that important. The reliability and dependability of my smartphone is everything. Apple you have lost another customer due to repeated incompetence. I won’t even give my iPhone’s away as gifts as they cannot be relied upon for an emergency situation or normal everyday use. If this was a car it would fall under the lemon law and be recalled.
10/27/2014 at 2:16 pm
The update fixed my Bluetooth issues, but I stil cannot hear sound on many YouTube videos. Is there a fix for that?
10/27/2014 at 3:31 pm
8.1 seems to have created problems with my Bluetooth keyboard. The on screen keyboard keeps popping up even though I’m typing with the external board. Frustrating!
10/27/2014 at 4:17 pm
Who’s ready to make the switch to Android? Here’s to Jim the guy that has never used Lollipop. You probably never used an Android, but you know it “sucks.” yeah right, your wrong buddy, iOS 8 is top notch! If you’d try it, you would probably never go back to iOS.
10/27/2014 at 10:11 pm
This was most shitty update. The WiFi is completely crippled. Browser isn’t working at all. Some people say thats due to logic board problem. I haope thats not the case as I do not want to spend thousands on this again!
Maria Summer
10/28/2014 at 4:49 am
I have an iPhone 5 with iOS 8.1 and when I want to attach a picture via the sms app, by taking a new picture, the camera is completely black. The camera app itself otherwise works fine
Further more, when the iPhone is in landscape mode – in the message app – and you want to attach a picture from the Photo Library it opens the photo-app in portrait mode! Even iPhone 6 Plus! This is very frustrating and means that you still have to rotate the iPhone to portrait mode to select the picture to attach. Furthermore, you can not select multiple images at once. The strange thing is that the photo app itself is rotating to landscape mode – but why not when to attach pictures to messages? I only use my iPhone in landscape mode.
I have contacted Apple about this over the years but nothing happens. It wasn’t fixed in iOS 8.1! I exclusively use my iPhone in landscape mode!
Linda Rene
10/28/2014 at 6:32 am
IOS 8.1 has problems that no one seems to have reported. When sending a message you can’t type at all, nothing happens, you have to go out of Messages, then come back in to get it to type. Also in Messages, once you do get it to type, you can’t send the messages from landscape. You have to turn the phone upright to send. Also, in messages, when you are turning the phone to landscape, it sometimes just goes black, and I guess throws you out of messages, you have to come back in to type (sometimes it works, sometimes not), Also, alot of time, even though I am home and sitting feet from my router, and the phone says it is connected to WiFi, nothing will send, nothing will update, just nothing. I have to turn the phone off and back on to get it to connect and send. This happens at least 2 to 3 times a day. What a big piece of crap this is now, I wish I had never downloaded this shit. I am so angry. My daughter also is having problems, she has been lost about a million times because her location services isn’t working at all. It has given her the wrong directions on the train, the bus, and in the car. What is wrong with Apple. I have two years on my contract for this piece of crap phone, but I may just go to one of the other carriers who will buy out your contract, and get another kind of phone
Richard Barrett
10/28/2014 at 2:19 pm
Ever since I updated to 8.1 I keep on getting bumped off the internet on both my 4s and mini ipad. Have to keep rebooting it to continue to watch Sky , surfing the internet. A real mess. Wish I had not updated in fact once I get a good fix I will never update again or move to Samsung.
Abbi rose
10/28/2014 at 6:55 pm
this is really aggravating me and I want to throw my phone, but one morning I woke up and my phone logged me out of my apps and today wont load my Camera on anything please help ?? 😭
10/28/2014 at 9:49 pm
after first making the HUGE mistake of upgrading to iOS 8.0.2, got my wireless bill and I was charged 4 times my normal bill for going over my data usage limit. So I have everything turned to Wifi, and now every single time I use any app it pops up that there is no Wifi connection available. I replaced my router, and Yep you guessed it, still doesn’t work. What is Apple thinking with these crap releases. I have been a die hard Apple user for over 10 years, and I’m about to the point to chuck it all and go Android. EXTREMELY VEXED!
Richard Barrett
10/29/2014 at 7:41 am
Agree with u about going over to Android and I think this latest mess of Apple will swing me over to a samsung product both phone and tablet . I can’t even log on to my own wifi but can log into my neighbours wifi !
Carolyn jennings
10/29/2014 at 4:49 am
I downloaded iOS 8.01 tonight and now it dats my password is wrong for Icloud and it won’t let me reset it
Help anyone
Dan Brockway
10/29/2014 at 8:38 am
Wife updated to iOS 8. When making phone call to wife’s phone from recently dialed; it goes directly to voice mail. Dialing off keypad works ok. Found turning off iPad, phones work ok. Upgraded my phone today to iOS8 and now both of our phones ring (YES BOTH NUMBERS) when receiving a call even though only one is able to talk. I touch the green alert bar at the top of my phone and I join the conversation and my wife is dumped off(disconnected).
iOS8 really?!?!?!?!?! Going back to iOS7 if possible.
10/29/2014 at 10:36 am
Don’t know how to respond to Robin who posted on Oct 23 regarding 8.1 update with predictive text not working. Please post this to Robin’s comment if possible. Thank you.
7: Hiding the QuickType Predictive Text and Autocorrection Keys
Many users like the QuickType feature, which shows a list of predicted and/or autocorrect words across the top of the iOS keyboard, while some find it less useful. But you can quickly hide the little Quick Type drawer with a swipe gesture:
Tap and hold on any word in the QuickType suggestion box, then drag down to close the QuickType drawer
That’s it, if you want to see QuickType again, just swipe back up from that drawer on the iOS keyboard to reveal the suggestions again.
– See more at:
10/29/2014 at 11:41 am
Hello, I wil also add few words…starting from iOS 8.0.1 my iPhone 5 loses carrier signal and in order to have the signal back I have to reboot the phone. Wifi connevtion also is slowed down. Definitely apple software qality now is very poor. I’m very very disappoited!!
10/30/2014 at 7:00 am
After the ios8.1 update any of my songs that were not purchased on iTunes no longer play on my phone, they are still on my phone but skipped over when music is on shuffle.
Zanetta Kelley
10/30/2014 at 8:23 am
I have to put in my Apple password to access my iPhone every time it’s powered down. So disgustung. Every Apple fix causes 10 more problems it seems.
10/30/2014 at 2:48 pm
How can my 4s lose 20-30% battery in airplane mode?. Three charges in a day, maybe. Normal daily use. No wifi. What I have is a potato, not an apple. They screwed me the phone these guys.
10/30/2014 at 8:40 pm
I plugged my phone (5s) into my computer to sync it with iTunes it proceeded to do the update when it was done the screen on the phone was black with the iTunes icon in the middle, it wouldn’t do anything after that so the computer says it was unable to do the update but it will undo everything it just tried to do. Long story short, it set my phone back to factory reset and I lost everything on my phone including precious photos of my kids and the update was done so now I’m stuck with this update and no photos what so ever!
Sanaa naamane
10/30/2014 at 9:38 pm
After installing iOS 8.1 I can’t watch videos using YouTube app, what should I do? I m using iPod touch.
Netflix either it s not working.
10/30/2014 at 10:47 pm
I have an iPad mini2, and it said that it needed 7gb free space to download iOS 8.1.. I had to delete almost all of my apps to download it. Can I re-download those after I’m updated? Or do I need to purchase a memory chip of some sort? It’s downloading right now, and I’m afraid I won’t have any room to download apps. HELP ME! PLEASE(:
10/31/2014 at 1:31 am
Buncha bull with ios 8! Just switching to Android after this bull with the ios 8. I don’t think I would ever be saying this buttttt…. #TeamAndroid
pawan kumar
11/01/2014 at 2:48 am
i have ihone 5 but after i update it to ios8.1 it’s not working working well and it’s touch is not working what do i do??????? plz help
11/01/2014 at 5:09 am
I have an IPhone 5 and recently updated my phone to iOS 8.1 because of Safari issues … Now the Safari issues still exist and now I can’t sign into Game Center … I missed how Iphone used to function… Now I’m considering to abandon iphone all together…
11/01/2014 at 12:38 pm
After installing the update on my 5c, every time I try to text or every time a receive a text the app freezes up and I have to reboot my whole phone. I haven’t seen this problem addressed on many of the forums.
11/01/2014 at 2:56 pm
This is exactly why hardware designer should not take in charge of software. yes iam talking about johnny ive. Ios has been buggy since ios 7 im saying this honestly and truthfully
11/01/2014 at 3:26 pm
I have the iPhone 6 and my problem is that I am no longer given the option to delete or forward selected txt messages. I do the normal double tap on the message to normaly get the pop up menu to delete or fwd the message, but for some reason I no longer get the option. Plz help!!
11/02/2014 at 2:30 am
The iOS 8 updater has destroyed my iPhone 4s – it doesn’t start anymore and despite being plugged in shows an empty battery and erratically appearing and disappearing apple.
This is unbelievable – it actually seems to have destroyed the iPhone 4s. HELP!
11/02/2014 at 1:00 pm
Try changing the power supply. Plug the phone to the car charger. It worked on a 4s with a similar problem to yours. I also thought that I was without phone. Since then I always plug it with some battery.
Just jo
11/03/2014 at 12:51 pm
Fuming . I’ve never seen such a bigger bag of shit in my life . My iPhone worked fine I til this ridiculous update . What were they thinking , releasing it the public ? Leaving angry customers to pay for something that is useless . You absolute morons
11/04/2014 at 8:13 am
Anyone now how to prevent a group message from jumping to the newest text, when you are trying to catch up (in ios 8.1)?
11/04/2014 at 9:57 am
My calendar disappears several times a day. I have to turn off my phone then turn it back on to recover the calendar. It was doing it once or twice a day, now it is all day long. I am very concerned about loosing this very important aspect of my IPhone 5c
11/04/2014 at 11:01 am
One of the new features I liked with 8.1 upgrade – when typing text or using keyboard there would be three possible options show up across the top of the keyboard – now that is gone. I was really starting to like this feature. Did I do something to make this go away.
11/04/2014 at 10:23 pm
Is it just me or does anyone else’s battery drain extremely quickly now since the update? I have the 5s which used to run amazing but now in I go from 100%-50% in a couple hours without ever touching the phone!
11/05/2014 at 11:15 pm
No sounds except phone ring and voice memos after updating my iPhone 4s to iOS 8.1. Even the volume keys not working with the apps while trying to play music. This smart phone suddenly turns into a basic model phone after the update. Phone is totally muted even for notifications,podcasts,alerts. Please Apple resolve my problem.its a pathetic update ever from Apple. I didn’t except Apple release such fallacious update
Charlene doyer
11/06/2014 at 8:17 pm
I am chocked with Apple. I have an iPhone 5 and an iPad. I don’t usually do updates. But I did the 8 update. What a mistake. Never will I ever do another update. And I’m telling my friends not to. Big huge mistake ever. Thinking of a different phone. Word of mouth is the worst reputation to have. Nice rep Apple.
11/07/2014 at 7:53 am
Usage and standby time the same, tried hard reset and cleared settings also but did not help. I have a iPhone 5s, never had this problem before on previous versions of ios8. Ios 8.1 makes my iPhone drain battery extremely fast, I’m sure it’s something to do with the usage and standby that remains the same. Can’t wait for them to fix this problem. Used to charge my phone only at night but no I need to charge it two times a day. Hope we see ios 8.1.1 soon with solution to the above,
11/08/2014 at 1:10 pm
different experience with apple. My iPad 4 was perfect with IOS7 but after my upgrade to IOS8 its been another device. It loses the network readily, fails to connect wifi, doesn’t retrieve my mail and crashes every now and then. right now Its frozen in a black screen and I have used every means to reboot it including recovery mode, reset, and DFU mode but all failed. This happen few weeks ago and had to return it to an engineer who charged me for the expensive device to bring it on. can someone help me an alternative way or app to bring it on?
11/10/2014 at 2:57 pm
the update has been a complete failure, my ipad2 which functioned perfectly before the updates now has a list of problems a mile long. to mention a few, 3G connectivity keeps telling me that the device cannot activate cellular data network, i keep getting errors when syncing my emails, apps crash all the time, the device reboots itself at stupid intervals, the wifi connectivity is crap and even though your wifi speed is high the ipad chooses to use very little of the speed and has blind spots where other devices have full connection.the battery drain is collosal and i just had to remove my sim card and only turn wifi on when i really have to connect. my ipad is a glorified media player now, all i do with it is play videos and listen to music, the picture app has issues too so i don’t bother taking pictures anymore. most of the problems started since ios7 when the wifi on 4s just grayed out and to get it to work for just 5mins, you need a fridge and a blow drier.
Thomas Brunner
11/10/2014 at 10:28 pm
My iPad is virtually unusable since this new software update. Battery life , web browser very slow. Etc etc . Nonstop problems . If Apple doesn’t repair this problem, I will have to buy a smartphone or another type like chrombook etc . I have never had problems on my iPad before this software 8.1 ( 12B 410 ) update. When are Apple going to do something about it ?
11/12/2014 at 7:55 pm
I’m an iPhone 4s owner and was on the verge of getting an iPad to go with it. After iOS 8, 8.0.1 and 8.1 I have had nothing but a bad experience from my 4s. Battery drain is the biggest issue. I’m using my phone now and power % drops 1 per minute or two in real time. I have disabled or turned off all and any features I can and replaced the ageing battery in my phone. Nothing makes a difference once iOS 8.1 is engaged. Using official apps (syslite)shows that there seems to be excessive background processes (floats between 70 -105), and even some apps running that I had dismissed. iOS 8.1 doesn’t seem to manage background cup usage at all. And it runs noticeably warmer.some people comment that I the consumer shouldn’t expect new updates to work on my older hardware. I disagree. The fact that it doesn’t has eroded my consumer confidence to the point where I won’t be a repeat customer of Apple products. Apple will always sell things but repeat customers are big spenders (I was about to get an iPad remember). My hope is that Apple will address these real issues to regain consumer confidence from people who spent money to get an Apple product. Anything else would show contempt towards the customer, and I currently have little faith my iPhone 4s will ever be the super phone I had on iOS 5.
11/12/2014 at 8:47 pm
After the iOS8.1 update my App Store crashed. Every tabs i click says “cannot connect to App Store” and for the Updates tab, it will flash the normal updates screen for a split second then the “cannot connect to App Store” screen appears again.
My “recent calls” also stopped updating. My “latest call” is the one i made before i updated to iOS8.1
Someone please bring Steve back to do some damange control
11/13/2014 at 6:15 pm
I have an Apple 5C and I have not updated either my phone nor my Mini Ipad and both will freeze and I have to shut them down. They both worked fine before all these updates but I am beginning to think it is affecting ALL Iphone, Ipad users . Seriously thinking of switching to another device.
11/26/2014 at 2:12 am
Hey there, I have a problem my iphone 5s doesn’t update to iOS 8…. I downloaded it on my phone and now it doesn’t allow to install, it says am not connected to the internet and when am connected. What can I do? And if I do it on the laptop it says it’s uptodate which is not
Leigh Floyd
12/12/2014 at 7:45 am
After installing update my calendar won’t open :( Please help.
07/18/2015 at 4:13 pm
Since Steve Jobs left us, it seems that “things” are just not fairing all that well. Nevertheless, may he rest in peace. Let us hope that Apple will pick up.
Jerry I
09/18/2015 at 7:22 pm
Did the upgrade on my 4s and now I cannot send or receive phone calls. Any thoughts on how to fix it?
11/12/2015 at 6:27 am
I updated to iOS 9.1 on the advice of Verizon. HUGE mistake. Imagine a ghost over your shoulder, randomly pushing buttons…..while you’re trying to get work done; randomly muting calls, a flurry of apps, some apps not working at all, unable to hotspot with an Acer laptop, problems with blue tooth. Performance improves somewhat with provider signal strength. Are we at a point for a class action initiative? Do I buy a different phone with the money from Apple when they are forced to buy this phone back?? What about compensation for my time dealing with THEIR problem?